Документацију овог модула можете да направите на страници Модул:attention/док

local format_categories = require("Module:utilities").format_categories
local html_create = mw.html.create
local process_params = require("Module:parameters").process

local export = {}

local function get_args(frame)
	local plain = {}
	return process_params(frame:getParent().args, {
		[1] = {required = true},
		[2] = plain,
		["id"] = plain,
		["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"},
		["sort"] = plain,

function export.show(frame)
	local args = get_args(frame)
	local lang_code = args[1]
	local title = args[2]
	local id = args["id"] or ""
	local categories = {}
	if not args["nocat"] then
		local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(lang_code, 1)
		table.insert(categories, format_categories({"Requests for attention concerning " .. lang:getCanonicalName()}, lang))
		if not (title or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template") then
			table.insert(categories, format_categories({"attention lacking explanation"}, lang, "-"))
	-- mw.html escapes special characters in the id and title attributes.
	local ret = html_create("span")
		:attr("id", "attentionseeking" .. lang_code .. id)
		:attr("lang", lang_code)
	if title then
		ret = ret:attr("title", title)
	return tostring(ret) .. table.concat(categories)

return export