Модул:category tree/poscatboiler/data/templates

Script error: The function "main" does not exist.

local labels = {}
local raw_categories = {}

--                                                                         --
--                                  LABELS                                 --
--                                                                         --

labels["шаблони"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} [[Викиречник:Шаблони|шаблони]], which contain reusable wiki code that helps with creating and managing entries.",
	umbrella = {
		parents = {{name = "Шаблони", sort = " "}},
		breadcrumb = "по језику",
	parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},

labels["ауто-табеле шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates that contain {{{langname}}} tables generated automatically.",
	additional = "They use the <code>table:</code> prefix. For example, see [[Шаблон:table:chess pieces/en]].",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["category boilerplate templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate descriptions and categorization for category pages.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["шаблони дефиниције"] = {
	description = "Templates used in the [[Викиречник:Речник#definition line|definition line]] of {{{langname}}} entries to help in creating definitions.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["entry templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to help in the creation of {{{langname}}} entries.",
	umbrella_parents = {"Шаблони подкатегорија по језику", "Entry templates"},
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["етимологија шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates used in the etymology section of {{{langname}}} entries.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["experimental templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to test possible content for {{{langname}}} entries.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["form-of templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used on the definition line of entries for inflected forms of words in {{{langname}}}, to link back to the main form.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["шаблони за наслов"] = {
	description = "Templates used to show lines that contain headwords in {{{langname}}}.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["index templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to organize {{{langname}}} indexes.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["inflection-table templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to show inflection tables for {{{langname}}} terms.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

-- Do particular types of inflection-table templates.
for _, pos in ipairs({
}) do
	labels[pos .. " inflection-table templates"] = {
		description = "Templates used to show declension tables for {{{langname}}} " .. pos .. "s.",
		parents = {"inflection-table templates"},

labels["лист шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates that contain {{{langname}}} lists.",
	additional = "They use the <code>list:</code> prefix. For example, see [[Шаблон:list:Latin script letters/en]].",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["mutation templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to show mutation of {{{langname}}} words.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["pronunciation templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate IPA pronunciation, rhymes, hyphenation, etc. for {{{langname}}} entries.",
	umbrella_parents = {"Шаблони подкатегорија по језику", "Category:Pronunciation templates"},
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["quotation templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate quotations for {{{langname}}} entries.",
	umbrella_parents = {"Шаблони подкатегорија по језику", "Category:Citation templates"},
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["reference templates"] = {
	topright = function(data)
		if data.lang and data.lang:getCode() == "ine-pro" then
			return "{{shortcut|WT:RTINE}}"
	umbrella = {
		preceding = "{{also|Wiktionary:Reference templates}}\n{{also|Template:refcat}}",
		parents = {"Шаблони подкатегорија по језику", "Category:Reference templates"},
		breadcrumb = "по језику",
	description = "Templates used to generate reference footnotes for {{{langname}}} entries.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["supplementary templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to keep contents for other {{{langname}}} templates.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

labels["usage templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to show usage notes in {{{langname}}} entries.",
	parents = {"шаблони"},

-- Add 'umbrella_parents' key if not already present.
for key, data in pairs(labels) do
	if not data.umbrella and not data.umbrella_parents then
		data.umbrella_parents = "Шаблони подкатегорија по језику"
	-- Add breadcrumb by chopping off the parent from the end of the label, if possible.
	if #data.parents == 1 and type(data.parents[1]) == "string" then
		local parent_re = " " .. require("Модул:string utilities").pattern_escape(data.parents[1]) .. "$"
		if key:find(parent_re) then
			data.breadcrumb = key:gsub(parent_re, "")

--                                                                         --
--                              RAW CATEGORIES                             --
--                                                                         --

raw_categories["Шаблони"] = {
	topright = "{{shortcut|WT:T}}",
	description = "An organizing category intended for all templates in use on Wiktionary.",
	additional = "''See also: [[Викиречник:Шаблони]], [[meta:Help:Template]]''",
	parents = {"Викиречник"},

raw_categories["Административни шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates used in the administration of Wiktionary.",
	additional = "They are only used outside of mainspace and are distinct from [[:Категорија:Шаблони одржавања|maintenance templates]], which are used in maintaining entries.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Alternative orthography templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate lists of links to alternative script forms for entries, or alternative forms according to different orthographic systems in general.",
	additional = "Not for templates relating to mere alternative forms within the same orthographic system.",
	parents = {"Текст шаблони", "Internal link templates"},

raw_categories["Архивски шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates used on archived or otherwise inactive pages.",
	parents = {"Административни шаблони"},

raw_categories["Checkuser templates"] = {
	description = "Templates related to [[Wiktionary:Requests for checkuser|checkuser requests]].",
	parents = {"Административни шаблони"},

raw_categories["Editnotices"] = {
	description = "Templates used to display notices in edit mode.",
	parents = {"Административни шаблони"},

raw_categories["Шаблони додатака"] = {
	description = "Templates used in appendices or to link to appendices.",
	parents = {"Шаблони", "Категорија:Додатци"},

raw_categories["Swadesh list templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used on pages that contain [[w:Swadesh list]]s.",
	parents = {"Додатак шаблони"},

raw_categories["Astrology templates"] = {
	description = "Templates that display astrology-related diagrams or boxes.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Audio templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to play or request audio files.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Ауто-табеле шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate word tables (like [[Шаблон:table:seasons]]).",
	additional = "See also [[:Категорија:Ауто-табеле шаблони по језику]].",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Box templates"] = {
	description = "General purpose box templates.",
	additional = "If you're considering making a template that looks like a box, look here first!",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Categorization templates"] = {
	preceding = "{{also|:Category:Category modules}}",
	description = "Templates used to categorize terms or entries.",
	additional = "([[:Category:Category templates]], on the other hand, contains templates used in the category namespace.)",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Category templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in the category namespace.",
	additional = "([[:Category:Categorization templates]], on the other hand, contains templates used to categorize pages.)",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Category boilerplate templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate the text of category pages.",
	parents = {"Category templates"},

raw_categories["TOC templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate a list of linked letters to navigate the pages listed in categories.",
	parents = {"Category templates"},

raw_categories["Карактер инфо шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates that utilize {{temp|character info}}.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Character insertion templates"] = {
	description = "Templates that provide easier ways to type characters that are not found in most keyboard layouts.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Templates for generating characters used in wiki code"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate characters that are reserved for specific wiki code functions and cannot be directly entered.",
	additional = "An alternative to using these templates is to use an HTML entity such as <code>&amp;#91</code> " ..
	"for a left bracket.<br />" ..
	"Note that the templates below are sorted by the first character of the wikicode that each template generates.",
	parents = {"Character insertion templates"},

raw_categories["Chemistry templates"] = {
	description = "Templates that display chemistry-related diagrams or boxes.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Шаблони за шах"] = {
	description = "Templates that display chess diagrams.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Шаблони цитата"] = {
	preceding = "{{ombox|type=speedy|text=Some templates may be marked '''FOR TESTING ONLY'''. Do not use these in entries, if requested on the template page itself. Take a look at the template page before using it.}}",
	description = "Templates used to generate citations and quotations.",
	additional = [=[
{{citation templates}}

==See also==
* [[Wiktionary:Quotations]]
* [[:Category:Reference templates]] for specific templates to well-known and widely used sources.]=],
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

-- Skipped: Concordance templates

raw_categories["Control flow templates"] = {
	description = "Templates to aid in control-flow constructs, which the template language is normally limited in.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Унакрсне рефененце шаблона"] = {
	description = "Templates used to create cross-references between sections.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Dating templates"] = {
	description = "Templates for displaying dates.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Шаблони дефиниције"] = {
	description = "Templates used in the [[Викиречник:Речник#definition line|definition line]] to help in creating definitions.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Form-of templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in defining inflections or variants of a given lemma.",
	parents = {"Шаблони дефиниције"},

raw_categories["Grammar form-of templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in defining terms that stand in a particular grammatical relation to a given lemma.",
	parents = {"Form-of templates"},

raw_categories["Conjugation form-of templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in defining terms that represent particular verb forms (e.g. past participle) of given lemma.",
	parents = {"Grammar form-of templates"},

raw_categories["Declension form-of templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in defining terms that represent particular noun or adjective forms (e.g. masculine plural) of given lemma.",
	parents = {"Grammar form-of templates"},

raw_categories["Name templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in the [[Wiktionary:Glossary#definition line|definition line]] to help in creating definitions for names.",
	parents = {"Шаблони дефиниције"},

raw_categories["Object usage templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in the [[Wiktionary:Glossary#definition line|definition line]] to show case and adposition usage for verb objects and similar constructs.",
	parents = {"Шаблони дефиниције"},

raw_categories["Place name templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in defining place names or demonyms that refer to place names.",
	parents = {"Шаблони дефиниције"},

raw_categories["Entry templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to help create new entries.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Etymology templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in etymology sections to define the etymology of a term.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Foreign derivation templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in etymology sections to indicate derivation from a different language than the language of the current entry.",
	parents = {"Etymology templates"},

raw_categories["Morphology templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in etymology sections to specify the morphology of a term.",
	parents = {"Etymology templates"},

raw_categories["Language-specific morphology templates"] = {
	description = "Specialized morphology templates used in the etymology sections of terms in particular languages.",
	parents = {"Morphology templates"},

raw_categories["Headword-line templates"] = {
	preceding = "{{also|Wiktionary:Headword-line templates}}",
	description = "Templates used to define the [[Wiktionary:Glossary#headword line|headword line]] of a term.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Дускусиони шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates intended for use only in discussions and documentation of templates and modules.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Monthly-subpages discussion room infrastructure"] = {
	description = "Templates used in generating and maintaining monthly discussion forums such as the [[Wiktionary:Grease pit|Grease pit]] and [[Wiktionary:Beer parlour|Beer parlour]].",
	parents = {"Дускусиони шаблони"},

raw_categories["Документациони шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates used on template and module documentation pages.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["File templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in the File namespace.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Language attestation warning templates"] = {
	description = "Templates that warn users about the attestation status of entries or senses from a language.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Layout templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in creating specific layouts within entries.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Collapsible box templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in creating collapsible boxes.",
	parents = {"Layout templates"},

raw_categories["Column templates"] = {
	preceding = "{{also|Викиречник:Шаблони#Columns}}",
	description = "Templates used in laying out lists in columns.",
	parents = {"Layout templates"},

raw_categories["Table templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in formatting tables.",
	parents = {"Layout templates"},

raw_categories["Линк шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates used to link to other terms, to other MediaWiki projects or to external websites.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Disambiguation templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to disambiguate multiple similar terms.",
	parents = {"Линк шаблони"},

raw_categories["External link templates"] = {
	description = "Templates that link to websites outside of the MediaWiki Foundation purview.",
	additional = "See also [[:Category:Citation templates]] for others.",
	parents = {"Линк шаблони"},

-- FIXME! This doesn't belong and the templates in it should be deleted (they are in [[WT:RFDO]] currently).
raw_categories["Greek link templates"] = {
	description = "Templates which link between Greek entries.",
	breadcrumb = "Link",
	parents = {
		{name = "шаблони", is_label = true, lang = "el", sort = "link"},
		"Линк шаблони",

raw_categories["Internal link templates"] = {
	description = "Templates that link between Wiktionary entries.",
	parents = {"Линк шаблони"},

raw_categories["Internal link subtemplates"] = {
	description = "Subtemplates of {{tl|l}}.",
	parents = {"Internal link templates"},

raw_categories["Interwiki templates"] = {
	description = "Templates that link to other MediaWiki projects.",
	parents = {"Линк шаблони"},

raw_categories["List templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate lists.",
	additional = "See also [[:Category:List templates by language]].",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Character list templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate lists of characters.",
	parents = {"List templates"},

raw_categories["Луа-слободни шаблони"] = {
	description = "Lua-free (i.e. \"lite\") versions of templates that use Lua.",
	additional = "Lua-free templates are used on long pages to avoid [[Wiktionary:Lua memory errors|Lua memory errors]].",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Шаблони одржавања"] = {
	preceding = "{{also|Wiktionary:Maintenance templates}}",
	description = "Templates used in the maintenance of Wiktionary entries and other pages.",
	additional = "They are distinct from [[:Категорија:Административни шаблони|administration templates]], which are only used outside of mainspace.",
	parents = {"Шаблони", "Категорија:Викиречник одржавање"},

raw_categories["Cleanup templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to request cleanup of entries.",
	additional = "Some of these templates are used when entries are batch-imported from another source.",
	parents = {"Шаблони одржавања", "Request templates"},

raw_categories["Deletion templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to request deletion of entries.",
	parents = {"Шаблони одржавања", "Request templates"},

raw_categories["Verification templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to request verification of entries that may be incorrect.",
	parents = {"Шаблони одржавања", "Request templates"},

raw_categories["Викиречник шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates used in the internal operation of Wiktionary.",
	parents = {"Шаблони", "Викиречник"},

raw_categories["Меташаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates used in other templates or to create other templates.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["String manipulation templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to manipulate strings.",
	additional = "See also [[Модул:string]], which can be invoked from templates to do string manipulation.",
	parents = {"Меташаблони"},

raw_categories["Навигациони шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates used to create navigation boxes for easily linking to other similar pages.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Number templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to convert numbers or generate boxes describing numbers in a given language.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Унапред учитани шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates not meant to be transcluded, but instead, whether through URL parameters or modules, have their contents preloaded into edit fields.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Изговор шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates used to format pronunciation sections and the characters they use.",
	additional = "See also [[:Категорија:Текст шаблони]] and [[Викиречник:Изговор]].",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Риме шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates used to format [[Бикиречник:Риме|риме стране]], links to them from pronunciation sections, etc.",
	parents = {"Изговор шаблони"},

raw_categories["Sign language templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to format sign-language pronunciation charts.",
	parents = {"Изговор шаблони"},

raw_categories["Шаблони описа и квалификатора"] = {
	description = "Templates for displaying qualifiers, glosses and the like.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Redirect templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to format redirect pages.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Reference templates"] = {
	preceding = "{{also|Wiktionary:Reference templates|:Category:Reference templates by language}}",
	description = "Templates used to format references.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Religion templates"] = {
	description = "Templates that display religion-related diagrams or boxes.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Захтев шаблони"] = {
	topright = "{{shortcut|WT:RT}}",
	description = "Request templates for dictionary entries in the main namespace.",
	parents = {"Шаблони", "Захтеви"},

raw_categories["Sandbox templates"] = {
	description = "Sandbox versions of templates used for testing purposes.",
	additional = "'''NOTE:''' The use of sandbox templates in mainspace is strongly dispreferred. Please place all sandbox templates in your userspace.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Текст шаблони"] = {
	preceding = "{{mainwikt|Scripts}}",
	description = "Templates used for converting between scripts or displaying text in a specific script.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Semantic relation templates"] = {
	description = "Templates that are placed below the [[Wiktionary:Glossary#definition line|definition line]], to indicate other terms semantically related to a particular sense.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Single-page-use templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used only on a single page and unlikely to find re-use elsewhere.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Supplementary templates"] = {
	description = "A grab bag of templates used to assist other templates.",
	additional = "These should be recategorized according to function.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Taxonomy templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in Translingual taxonomy entries and in reference to those entries.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Taxonomic hypernym templates"] = {
	description = "Templates and subcategories containing such templates. The templates contain text to appear under the Hypernyms header for taxonomic name entries.",
	additional = "Each template has the name of the taxon from which it begins. The templates in this category at present are the many templates that begin with the names of taxonomic families. Others are in subcategories",
	breadcrumb = "Hypernym",
	parents = {"Taxonomy templates"},

raw_categories["Taxonomic name templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used for the presentation of taxonomic names on a definition line.",
	breadcrumb = "Name",
	parents = {"Taxonomy templates", "Шаблони дефиниције"},

raw_categories["Taxonomic reference templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to format references for taxonomic names.",
	breadcrumb = "Reference",
	parents = {"Taxonomy templates", "Reference templates"},

raw_categories["Templates that must be substituted"] = {
	description = "Templates that are not intended for transclusion with <code><nowiki>{{ }}</nowiki></code>, " ..
	"and must be substituted with <code><nowiki>{{subst: }}</nowiki></code>wherever they exist.",
	additional = "Some of the members of this category are permanent, as the template was written in such a way that " ..
	"it must be substituted to function properly. There may also be templates in this category that are deprecated, " ..
	"in which case their content has been replaced with the preferred code.",
	parents = {"Шаблони", "Захтеви"},

raw_categories["Шаблони са убрзањем"] = {
	description = "Templates can be added to this category by adding {{tl|isAccelerated}} to their documentation pages.",
	additional = "Presence in this category indicates that at least some of the \"form-of\" entries for the word can be generated semi-automatically by users with [[Викиречник:ACCEL|accelerated]] editing enabled.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Текст формат шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates that provide shortcuts for formatting ordinary text.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Тезаурус шаблони"] = {
	description = "Templates for linking to or formatting thesaurus entries.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Шаблони за превод"] = {
	description = "Templates used to format entries in and parts of translation tables.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["User templates"] = {
	description = "Templates meant to be used in userspace.",
	parents = {"Шаблони"},

raw_categories["Authority control subtemplates"] = {
	description = "Subtemplates used in conjunction with {{tl|authority control}}.",
	parents = {"User templates"},

raw_categories["User competency templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used for to indicate a user's competency in a given natural language, script or programming language.",
	additional = "These are used in conjunction with {{tl|Babel}}, which invokes these templates as necessary.",
	parents = {"User templates"},

raw_categories["Coder user templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used for to indicate a user's competency in a given programming language.",
	additional = "These are used in conjunction with {{tl|Babel}}, which invokes these templates as necessary.",
	parents = {"User competency templates"},

raw_categories["Language user templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used for to indicate a user's competency in speaking a given language.",
	additional = "These are used in conjunction with {{tl|Babel}}, which invokes these templates as necessary.",
	parents = {"User competency templates"},

raw_categories["Script user templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used for to indicate a user's competency in reading a given script.",
	additional = "These are used in conjunction with {{tl|Babel}}, which invokes these templates as necessary.",
	parents = {"User competency templates"},

raw_categories["WOTD templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to support the Word of the Day.",
	parents = {"Викиречник шаблони"},

raw_categories["FWOTD templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to support the Foreign Word of the Day.",
	parents = {"WOTD templates"},

raw_categories["Non-production templates and modules"] = {
	description = "Templates and modules not currently used in production.",
	additional = "{{also|Special:UnusedTemplates|Category:Unused templates}}",
	parents = {"Шаблони", "Модули", "Категорија:Викиречник одржавање"},

raw_categories["Шаблони подкатегорија по језику"] = {
	description = "Umbrella categories covering topics related to templates.",
	additional = "{{{umbrella_meta_msg}}}",
	parents = {
		"Кишобран метакатегорија",
		{name = "шаблони", is_label = true, sort = " "},

-- Add breadcrumb by chopping off the parent (or the parent's parent, etc.) from the end of the label, if possible.
for key, data in pairs(raw_categories) do
	if not data.breadcrumb then
		local parent = data.parents[1]
		while true do
			if type(parent) == "string" then
				local parent_re = " " .. require("Модул:string utilities").pattern_escape(mw.getContentLanguage():lcfirst(parent)) .. "$"
				if key:find(parent_re) then
					data.breadcrumb = key:gsub(parent_re, "")
				if raw_categories[parent] then
					parent = raw_categories[parent].parents[1]

return {LABELS = labels, RAW_CATEGORIES = raw_categories}