Модул:category tree/topic cat/data/Градови

Документацију овог модула можете да направите на страници Модул:category tree/topic cat/data/Градови/док

local labels = {}
local handlers = {}

local function lcfirst(label)
	return mw.getContentLanguage():lcfirst(label)

labels["места"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} names for geographical [[place]]s; [[toponym]]s.",
	parents = {"имена", "листа свих"},

-- Generate bare labels in 'label' for all political subdivisions.
-- Do this before handling 'general_labels' so the latter can override if necessary.
--for subdiv, desc in pairs(m_shared.political_subdivisions) do
--	labels[subdiv] = {
--		description = "{{{langname}}} names of " .. desc .. ".",
--		parents = {"политичке подобласти", "листа свих"},
--	}

--local general_labels = {
--{"политичке подобласти", "[[political]] [[subdivision]]s, such as [[province]]s, [[state]]s or [[region]]s", {"полиси"}},
--	{"полиси", "[[polity|polities]] or [[political]] [[division]]s", {"места"}},

-- "regions in (continent)", esp. for regions that span multiple countries

labels["региони у свету"] = { -- for multinational regions which do not fit neatly within one continent
	description = "{{{langname}}} names of [[region]]s in the world (which do not fit neatly within one country or continent).",
	parents = {"места", "листа свих"},

labels["региони у Африци"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} names of [[region]]s in Africa.",
	parents = {"Африка", "листа свих"},

labels["региони у Америци"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} names of [[region]]s in the Americas.",
	parents = {"Америка", "листа свих"},

labels["региони у Азији"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} names of [[region]]s in Asia.",
	parents = {"Азија", "листа свих"},

labels["региони у Европи"] = { 
	description = "{{{langname}}} names of [[region]]s in Europe.",
	parents = {"Европа", "листа свих"},

-- regions and "regional units"

labels["региони у Грчкој"] = {
	-- special-cased description
	description = "{{{langname}}} names of the regions (peripheries) of [[Greece]]",
	parents = {{name = "политичке подобласти", sort = "Грчка"}, "Грчка", "листа свих"},

labels["политичке подобласти"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"полиси"},

-- ovde je pocetak mog dela
labels["места у Србији"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},
labels["државно уређење"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"влада"},
labels["општине"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"државно уређење"},
labels["села"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},
labels["језера"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},
labels["имена места"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},

labels["реке"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},
labels["острва"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Местаа"},
labels["мора"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},

labels["аустрaлија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"континенти","земље"},

labels["Грчка"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"државе"},

labels["израел"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"државе"},
labels["русија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["сједињене Америчке Државе"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["белорусија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["белгија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["боливија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["чешка Република"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["кипар"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["шпанија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["шведска"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["замбија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["војводина"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Србија","Банат","Бачка","Срем"},

labels["срем"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Србија","војводина"},
labels["банат"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Србија","војводина"},
labels["бачка"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Србија","војводина"},
labels["србија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места","војводина"},
labels["градови у Србији"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Србија"},
labels["италија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},
labels["етиопија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["мађарска"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},
labels["градови у Мађарској"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Мађарска"},
labels["швајцарска"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["градови у Швајцарској"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"швајцарска"},
labels["кина"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Државе"},
labels["градови у Кини"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Кина"},
labels["јапан"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},
labels["градови у Токију"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Токио"},
labels["токио"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"полиси"},
labels["малезија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},
labels["мексико"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},
labels["местаа"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Имена", "листа свих"},
labels["полиси"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"местаа"},
labels["државе"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"полиси"},
labels["државе у Африци"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"државе"},
labels["државе у Азији"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"државе"},
labels["земље у Европи"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"државе"},
labels["државе у Европи"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"државе"},
labels["земље"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"полиси"},
labels["континенти"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},

labels["румунија"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Места"},
labels["градови"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"полиси"},
labels["главни градови"] = {
 	description = "default with capital",
 	parents = {"градови"},
labels["градови у Румунији"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Румунија"},
labels["градови у Италији"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Италија"},
labels["башаид"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["бока"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["добрица"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["ђала"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["елемир"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["житиште"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["итебеј"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["иланџа"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["иђош"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["јаша Томић"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["кумани"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["неузина"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["нови Бечеј"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["мокрин"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["падеј"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["вршац"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["јарковац"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},

labels["меленци"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["орловат"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["сефкерин"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["сакуле"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["фаркаждин"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},

labels["ново Милошево"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["сефкерин"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["Српски Крстур"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["Српска Црња"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["шурјан"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},

labels["бачинци"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["врдник"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["ердевик"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["голубинци"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["јарак"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["лаћарак"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["рума"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["Сремска Митровица"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["кукујевци"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["крчедин"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["мартинци"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["нови Карловци"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},

labels["сусек"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},

labels["свилош"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Срем"},
labels["бегеч"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["бођани"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["госпођинци"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["дероње"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["сомбор"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["врбас"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["каћ"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["кула"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["футог"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["нови Сад"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["товаришево"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["пачир"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["ковиљ"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},

labels["мартонош"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["чуруг"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},

labels["иванда"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"градови у Румунији"},
labels["ченеј"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Бачка"},
labels["Међа"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},
labels["Томашевац"] = {
	description = "default with capital",
	parents = {"Банат"},

return {LABELS = labels, HANDLERS = handlers}