Модул:category tree/topic cat/data/Communication
Script error: The function "main" does not exist.
local labels = {}
for _, lang_etc in ipairs {
"Арапски", {"Chinese", "the [[Chinese]] languages"}, "Енглески", "Немачки", "Јапански", "Корејски", "Okinawan",
"Португалски", "Шпански", "Вијетнамски"
} do
if type(lang_etc) ~= "table" then
lang_etc = {lang_etc}
local lang, desc = unpack(lang_etc)
desc = desc or ("the [[:Категорија:%s језик|%s језик]]"):format(lang, lang)
labels[lang] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "=" .. desc,
parents = {"језици"},
labels["комуникација"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"све теме"},
labels["алфабети"] = {
type = "name",
description = "default",
parents = {"писани системи"},
labels["ambiguity"] = {
type = "related-to",
description = "default",
parents = {"комуникација"},
labels["artificial languages"] = { -- distinguish from "cat:constructed languages" family category
type = "name",
description = "={{w|constructed language}}s",
parents = {"језици"},
labels["body language"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"језик", "nonverbal communication"},
labels["broadcasting"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"media", "telecommunications"},
labels["Chinese character components"] = {
type = "set",
description = "=[[Chinese character]] [[component]]s",
parents = {"слова, симболи и интерпункције"},
labels["дијакритичке ознаке"] = {
type = "set",
description = "default",
parents = {"слова, симболи и интерпункције"},
labels["dialects"] = {
type = "set",
description = "default",
parents = {"језик"},
labels["dictation"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"комуникација"},
labels["directives"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "=instructions, guidelines and other things (whether real or metaphysical) that indicate what to do or not do, including those self-imposed",
parents = {"комуникација"},
labels["застарели језици"] = {
type = "name",
description = "default",
parents = {"језици"},
labels["знаковни језици"] = {
type = "name",
description = "default",
parents = {"језици"},
labels["facial expressions"] = {
type = "set",
description = "default",
parents = {"nonverbal communication", "face"},
labels["figures of speech"] = {
type = "set",
description = "=[[figure of speech|figures of speech]]",
parents = {"rhetoric"},
labels["flags"] = {
type = "повезаних,name,type",
description = "default",
parents = {"комуникација"},
labels["jargon"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"језик"},
labels["Хан карактери"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"писани системи"},
labels["језик"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"комуникација"},
labels["language families"] = {
type = "name",
description = "=[[language family|language families]], both accepted and controversial",
parents = {"језик", "имена"},
labels["језици"] = {
type = "name",
description = "default",
parents = {"језик", "имена"},
labels["слова, симболи и интерпункције"] = {
type = "set",
description = "=[[letter]]s, [[symbol]]s, and [[punctuation]]",
parents = {"orthography"},
labels["logical fallacies"] = {
type = "set",
description = "=[[logical fallacy|logical fallacies]], clearly defined errors in reasoning used to support or refute an argument",
additional = "{{also|Category:{{{langcode}}}:biases}}",
parents = {"rhetoric", "logic"},
labels["media"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"комуникација"},
labels["mobile phones"] = {
type = "повезаних,set",
description = "default",
parents = {"telephony"},
labels["nonverbal communication"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"комуникација"},
labels["orthography"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"писање"},
labels["palaeography"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"писање"},
labels["post"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "=[[post#Noun|post]] or [[mail#Noun|mail]]",
parents = {"комуникација"},
labels["public relations"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default no singularize",
parents = {"комуникација"},
labels["знакови интерпункције"] = {
type = "set",
description = "default",
parents = {"слова, симболи и интерпункције"},
labels["radio"] = {
type = "related-to",
description = "default",
parents = {"telecommunications"},
labels["rhetoric"] = {
type = "related-to",
description = "default",
parents = {"језик"},
labels["signs"] = {
type = "related-to,name,type",
description = "default",
parents = {"комуникација"},
labels["sociolects"] = {
type = "name",
description = "default",
parents = {"језик"},
labels["symbols"] = {
type = "set",
description = "=[[symbol]]s, especially [[mathematical]] and [[scientific]] symbols",
additional = "Most symbols have equivalent meanings in many languages and can therefore be found in [[:Category:Translingual symbols]].",
parents = {"слова, симболи и интерпункције"},
labels["talking"] = {
type = "related-to",
description = "default",
parents = {"језик", "људско понашање"},
labels["telecommunications"] = {
type = "related-to",
description = "default no singularize",
parents = {"комуникација", "технологија"},
labels["telegraphy"] = {
type = "related-to",
description = "default",
parents = {"telecommunications", "electronics"},
labels["telephony"] = {
type = "related-to",
description = "default",
parents = {"telecommunications", "electronics"},
labels["texting"] = {
type = "related-to",
description = "default",
parents = {"telecommunications"},
labels["textual division"] = {
type = "related-to",
description = "default",
parents = {"писање"},
labels["typography"] = {
type = "related-to",
description = "default",
parents = {"писање", "printing"},
labels["писање"] = {
type = "повезаних",
description = "default",
parents = {"језик", "људско понашање"},
labels["писани системи"] = {
type = "set",
description = "default",
parents = {"писање"},
return labels