Ово је документациона подстраница за Модул:etymology languages/data

Contains data for language or language family codes that are used mainly in etymology templates (specifically foreign derivation templates) such as {{der}} and {{cog}}.

The following errors were detected by Module:data consistency check:

  • Literary Chinese језик (lzh-lit) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code lzh.
  • The data key preprocess_links for ??? (th-new) is invalid.
canonicalName, aliases, varieties, otherNames, wikipedia_article, wikidata_item
These have the same meaning as they do in the data modules for the regular languages; see Модул:languages/data/2/док, Модул:languages/extradata/2/док.
parent (required)
The regular language, etymology language, or language family that this etymology language is a subvariety of. For instance, "en" (English) is the parent of en-GB (British English), and "gmw" (West Germanic) is the parent of gem-sue (Suevic).
The ancestor of this etymology language. Add this only if the etymology language is listed as an ancestor of a regular language.