Документација модула[прикажи] [уреди] [историја] [освежи]

This module protects templates and modules from being wrongly substituted.

Usage уреди

First, put the following at the beginning of the entry_point function in the module:

if mw.isSubsting() then
	return require('Module:unsubst').unsubst_template("entry_point")

Where "entry_point" should be replaced with the function name. Next, edit the template:


The <noinclude/> is optional. The template will substitute into its transcluded form.

To protect the module itself instead of the template, add this at the start of the function instead:

if mw.isSubsting() then
	return require('Module:unsubst').unsubst_module("entry_point")

Directly in templates уреди

You can wrap the template code in


It will work just like unsubst_template above, apart from also generating a transclusion to Module:unsubst. Additionally, it protects templates from being copied and pasted to non-template pages.

local export = {}

 -- Load this only if needed.
local function is_positive_integer(val)
	-- Redefine the "global local" variable in which this function is stored.
	is_positive_integer = require("Модул:table").isPositiveInteger
	return is_positive_integer(val)

local function serialise_frame(title, args)
	local result = { "{{", title }
	local use_equals = false
	local greatest_i = 0
	for i, value in ipairs(args) do
		greatest_i = i
		if use_equals or value:find("=") then
			value = i .. "=" .. value
			use_equals = true
		table.insert(result, "|" .. value)
	for key, value in pairs(args) do
		if type(key) == "string"
		or (type(key) == "number" and (key > greatest_i or not is_positive_integer(key))) then
			table.insert(result, "|" .. key .. "=" .. value)
	table.insert(result, "}}")
	return table.concat(result)
export.serialise_frame = serialise_frame

function export.unsubst_module(entry_point)
	local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	return serialise_frame(
		((parent:getTitle() == mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText) and 'safesubst:' or '') ..
		'#invoke:' .. frame:getTitle():gsub('^Модул:', '') .. '|' .. entry_point, frame.args	

function export.unsubst_template(entry_point)
	local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	local parent = frame:getParent()
	if parent:getTitle() == mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText then
		return serialise_frame('safesubst:#invoke:' .. frame:getTitle():gsub('^Модул:', '') .. '|' .. entry_point, frame.args)
	return serialise_frame(parent:getTitle():gsub('^Шаблон:', ''), parent.args)

-- invokables

function export.me(frame)
	local parent = frame:getParent()

	if mw.isSubsting() then
		return export.unsubst_template('me')

	-- "manual substitution"?
	if not frame.args.nocheck then
		if (frame ~= parent) and not parent:getTitle():find("^Шаблон:") then
			return '<strong class="error">It appears that you have copied template code from a template page. ' ..
				'You should transclude the template instead, by putting its name in curly brackets, like so: ' ..
				'<code>{{template-name}}</code>.</strong>' -- XXX: maintenance category?

	return frame.args['']

return export