Такође погледајте: sino, sinó, sino-, si no, sin-o, s-ino, и S-ino

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Од Late Latin Sīnae (the southern Chinese), од Ptolemy's Антички Грчки Σῖναι (Sînai, the southern Chinese), of uncertain etymology but probably from Санскрт चीन (Cīna, southern China), possibly via Арапски صِين(ṣīn, southern China; the southern Chinese) and usually held to derive from Old Chinese (*Dzin, Qin). Видите "Names of China" at Wikipedia.

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  1. A combining form relating to China or the Chinese, in those terms' various senses.
    In the 1970s, Sino-Soviet rivalry also spread to Africa and the Middle East.
    He's a Sino-Kadazan: half Chinese, half Kadazan.

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