
Alternative forms


From Латински ab (from) + initiō, ablative singular of initium (beginning).


  • (US) МФА(кључ): /ˌæb ɪˈnɪʃ.i.oʊ/, /ˌæb əˈnɪt.i.oʊ/, /ˌɑb əˈnɪt.i.oʊ/


ab initio

  1. (law) From the time when a law, legal right or decree, contract, ownership interest, partnership (etc.) comes into force. [Early 17th century.][1][2][3]
  2. (sciences) Calculated from first principles, i.e. from basic laws without any further additional assumptions.
    • 1983, Monty Python, The meaning of life, at about 1h 15':
      [] this soul does not exist ab initio, as orthodox Christianity teaches; it has to be brought into existence by a process of guided self-observation. However, this is rarely achieved, owing to man's unique ability to be distracted from spiritual matters by everyday trivia.
  3. (of an academic course) Taken with no prior qualifications.



  1. http://karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in/hcklibrary/PDF/Blacks%20Law%206th%20Edition%20-%20SecA.pdf Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition (1990) Ab initio: Lat. From the beginning; from the first act; from the inception. An agreement is said to be "void ab initio" if it has at no time had any legal validity. A party may be said to be a trespasser, an estate said to be good, an agreement or deed said to be void, or a marriage or act said to be unlawful, ab initio. Contrasted in this sense with ex post facto, or with postea.
  2. Lesley Brown (editor), The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 5th edition (Oxford University Press, 2003 [1933], →ISBN), page 4
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black%27s_Law_Dictionary

ab initio (српски)

Слогови: {{{1}}}

ab i-ni-ti-o?


IPA: [...]  
Аудио:  noicon(датотека)

Значења: {{{1}}}

[1] лат.: с почетка



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Сродни чланци са Википедије:

[1] ab initio

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