Додатак:Мађарски изговор
The charts below show how the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is used to represent Hungarian pronunciations in Wiktionary entries.
уредиIPA | Letter | Example | Audio | English approx. | |||
b | b | baj [ˈbɒj] (trouble) |
bean | |||
t͡s [1] | c | cím [ˈt͡siːm] (address) |
cats | |||
t͡ʃ | cs | csap [ˈt͡ʃɒp] (faucet; to strike) |
church | |||
ds | zöldség [ˈzølt͡ʃeːɡ] (vegetable) |
| |||||
d | d | dob [ˈdob] (drum; to throw) |
dog | |||
d͡z | dz | brindza [ˈbrind͡zɒ] (bryndza) |
kids | |||
d͡ʒ | dzs | dzsessz [ˈd͡ʒɛsː] (jazz) |
jazz | |||
f | f | fa [ˈfɒ] (tree) |
fall | |||
ɡ | g | gép [ˈɡeːp] (machine) |
get | |||
ɟ | gy | gyár [ˈɟaːr] (factory) |
duty (UK) | |||
dj | mindjárt [ˈmiɲɟaːrt] (right away) |
| |||||
h | h | haj [ˈhɒj] (hair) |
hair | |||
ɦ[2] | soha [ˈʃoɦɒ] (never) |
x | potroh [ˈpotrox] (abdomen) |
j | j | jól [ˈjoːl] (well) |
yes | |||
ç[3] | rakj [ˈrɒkç] (put) |
ʝ[4] | férj [ˈfeːrʝ] (husband) |
j[5] | óriási [ˈoːrijaːʃi] (huge) |
yes | ||||
k | k | kis [ˈkiʃ] (small) |
skip | |||
l | l | lap [ˈlɒp] (sheet) |
lab | |||
j | ly | hely [ˈhɛj] (place) |
yes | |||
m | m | már [ˈmaːr] (already) |
mint | |||
ɱ | szemfog [ˈsɛɱfoɡ] (eye tooth) |
tromf | ||||
n | n | nép [ˈneːp] (people) |
neat | |||
ɱ [6] | tanfolyam [ˈtɒɱfojɒm] (course) |
ŋ [7] | hang [ˈhɒŋg] (voice) |
ɲ | ny | nyugat [ˈɲugɒt] (west) |
new (UK) | |||
p | p | pénz [ˈpeːnz] (money) |
speak | |||
kv | q | Aquincum [ˈɒkviŋkum] (Aquincum) |
r | r | rész [ˈreːs] (part; piece) |
ʃ | s | sem [ˈʃɛm] (neither) |
show | |||
s | sz | szól [ˈsoːl] (to say) |
sit | |||
t | t | több [ˈtøbː] (more) |
stop | |||
c | ty | tyúk [ˈcuːk] (hen) |
tube (UK) | |||
tj | kertje [ˈkɛrcɛ] (his/her/its garden) |
| |||||
v | v | vés [ˈveːʃ] (to carve) |
veal | |||
w | watt [ˈvɒtː] (watt) |
| |||||
ks | x | xenon [ˈksɛnon] (xenon) |
j | y | York [ˈjork] (York) |
z | z | zöld [ˈzøld] (green) |
zeal | |||
ʒ | zs | zseb [ˈʒɛb] (pocket) |
pleasure |
- ↑ [t͡s] and [ts] are not the same. The latter represents two phonemes, t and sz.
- ↑ [ɦ]: Voiced glottal fricative: 1. Between two non-identical vowels 2. Between a sonorant (m, n, ny, l, j, r) and a vowel (in this order).
- ↑ [ç]: At the end of the word after f, k, p. Examples: döfj, rakj, kapj.
- ↑ [ʝ]: At the end of the word after b, v, g, r, m. Examples: dobj, óvj, égj, férj, szomj.
- ↑ [j]: A weak glide pronounced within a word (or a compound element) between two adjacent vowels (where one of them is i or í) to fill the hiatus. Since there is only a minor difference between the regular [j] and the weaker glide [j], the same IPA symbol is used for both.
- ↑ [ɱ]: n and m in the nf, nv, mf, mv consonant combinations.
- ↑ [ŋ]: n in the ng and nk consonant combinations.
Long consonants
уредиIPA | Letters | Example | Audio | English approx. | |||
bː | bb | szebb [ˈsɛbː] (more beautiful) |
pb | alapbér [ˈɒlɒbːeːr] (basic salary) |
t͡sː | cc | vicc [ˈvit͡sː] (joke) |
dsz | tudsz [ˈtut͡sː] (you can) |
dc | nádcukor [ˈnaːt͡sːukor] (cane sugar) |
tsz | játszik [ˈjaːt͡sːik] (he/she plays) |
tssz | látssz [ˈlaːt͡sː] (you should be visible) |
t͡ʃː | ccs | meccs [ˈmɛt͡ʃː] (match) |
ts | szövetség [ˈsøvɛt͡ʃːeːɡ] (alliance) |
ds | fáradság [ˈfaːrɒt͡ʃːaːɡ] (effort) |
dː | dd | addig [ˈɒdːiɡ] (until) |
td | tiszteletdíj [ˈtistɛlɛdːiːj] (royalty payment) |
d͡zː | dz | edző [ˈɛd͡zːøː] (coach) |
d͡ʒː | dzs | menedzser [ˈmɛnɛd͡ʒːɛr] (manager) |
ddzs | briddzsel [ˈbrid͡ʒːɛl] (with bridge) |
fː | ff | blöff [ˈbløfː] (bluff) |
vf | évfolyam [ˈeːfːojɒm] (class) |
ɡː | gg | agg [ˈɒɡː] (aged) |
kg | mákgubó [ˈmaːɡːuboː] (poppy head) |
ɟː | ggy | poggyász [ˈpoɟːaːs] (luggage) |
gyj | nagyjából [ˈnɒɟːaːboːl] (roughly) |
dj | adjál [ˈɒɟːaːl] (give me) |
d+gy | hadgyakorlat [ˈhɒɟːɒkorlɒt] (military exercise) |
xː | hh | ||||||
ch | pech [ˈpɛxː] (bad luck) |
jː | jj | éjjel [ˈeːjːɛl] (at night) |
lj | teljesen [ˈtɛjːɛʃɛn] (totally) |
llj | állj [ˈaːjː] (stop) |
lly | süllyed [ˈʃyjːɛd] (to sink) |
ly+j | folyjon [ˈfojːon] (let it flow) |
kː | kk | mekkora [ˈmɛkːorɒ] (what size) |
gk | megkap [ˈmɛkːɒp] (to receive) |
lː | ll | hallott [ˈhɒlːotː] (he/she heard) |
mː | mm | semmi [ˈʃɛmːi] (nothing) |
nm | önmaga [ˈømːɒɡɒ] (himself) |
nː | nn | tenni [ˈtɛnːi] (to do) |
ɲː | nny | amennyi [ˈɒmɛɲːi] (as much as) |
ny+j | anyja [ˈɒɲːɒ] (his/her mother) |
nj | menj [ˈmɛɲː] (go) |
pː | pp | nappali [ˈnɒpːɒli] (daytime) |
bp | zabpehely [ˈzɒpːɛhɛj] (rolled oats) |
rː | rr | erre [ˈɛrːɛ] (this way) |
lr | balra [ˈbɒrːɒ] (to the left) |
ʃː | ss | kissé [ˈkiʃːeː] (slightly) |
sz+s | egészség [ˈɛɡeːʃːeːɡ] (health) |
z+s | igazság [ˈiɡɒʃːaːɡ] (truth) |
sː | ssz | messze [ˈmɛsːɛ] (far) |
z+sz | vízszintes [ˈviːsːintɛʃ] (horizontal) |
tː | tt | láttam [ˈlaːtːɒm] (I saw it) |
dt | maradt [ˈmɒrɒtː] (stayed) |
cː | tty | petty [ˈpɛcː] (dot) |
ty+j | atyja [ˈɒcːɒ] (his/her father) |
tj | látja [ˈlaːcːɒ] (he/she sees it) |
vː | vv | évvel [ˈeːvːɛl] (with year) |
zː | zz | azzal [ˈɒzːɒl] (with that) |
sz+z | gyászzene [ˈɟaːzːɛnɛ] (funeral music) |
ʒː | zzs | garázzsal [ˈɡɒraːʒːɒl] (with garage) |
s+zs | sertészsír [ˈʃɛrteːʒːiːr] (lard) |
уредиIPA | Letter | Example | Audio | English approx. | |||
ɒ | a | agy [ˈɒɟ] (brain) |
awe (but short) | |||
aː | á | ágy [ˈaːɟ] (bed) |
father | |||
ɛ | e | eke [ˈɛkɛ] (plow) |
less | |||
eː | é | ép [ˈeːp] (intact) |
café | |||
i | i | irt [ˈirt] (to eradicate) |
bit | |||
iː | í | írt [ˈiːrt] (he/she wrote) |
bee | |||
o | o | ok [ˈok] (cause, reason) |
force | |||
oː | ó | ó [ˈoː] (old) |
hole | |||
ø | ö | öt [ˈøt] (five) |
øː | ő | őt [ˈøːt] (him/her) |
early | |||
u | u | un [ˈun] (to be bored of) |
bull | |||
uː | ú | út [ˈuːt] (road) |
tool | |||
y | ü | ül [ˈyl] (to sit) |
yː | ű | űr [ˈyːr] (space) |
Vowel variants
уредиIPA | Letter | Example | Audio | English approx. | |||
ɒː[1] | a | arra [ˈɒːrɒ] (that way) |
a[2] | a | halló? [ˈhaloː] (hello?) |
ɛː | e | erre [ˈɛːrɛ] (this way)[3] |
u̯[4] | au | autó [ˈɒu̯toː] (car) |
Other symbols
уредиA stress mark is placed before the syllable that is stressed.
IPA | indicates |
ˈ (ˈa) | primary stress |
ˌ (ˌa) | secondary stress |
/ / | phonemes, as in /ˈinformɒtikɒ/ |
[ ] | speech sounds, as in [ˈiɱformɒtikɒ] |
уреди- Hungarian phonology
- Appendix:Hungarian pronunciation assimilation
- Forró Orsolya: Hangtan II (in Hungarian)
- Gósy Mária: A palatális közelítőhang kétféle funkcióban
- Page 59 (65 in the PDF) and page 66–67 (72–73 in the PDF) in Optimális esszék a magyar fonológiáról by Siptár, Péter and Szilárd Szentgyörgyi