Popisi:Biblija 3-4

Pogledaj Popisi:Biblija.

The following is a list of 1,825 words that appear between 3 and 4 times in the Bible:

abandoned - abarim - abated - abba - abdi - abela - abiasaph - abiel - abinoem - abiud - abjection - abstinence - abyss - accepteth - acces - accompanied - accomplishing - accos - accuser - accusing - achaicus - achias - achisamech - acknowledging - acquire - action - active - ad - adaias - addeth - adding - adhered - adiel - adin - adjoining - admiring - admonished - ado - adonibezec - adonicam - adopted - adoreth - adramelech - adulteresses - adulterous - aduram - advance - adversity - advice - affirm - affirmed - affirming - afflicteth - agarites - agreeing - aha - ahava - ahaz - ahiman - ahimelech - ahod - aila - ailath - al - alarm - allege - allied - allure - almsdeeds - aloes - alpha - amalech - amaria - amber - amelech - amethyst - amiable - amital - ammonitess - anathothite - anchors - aner - anew - animals - annas - anointing - answereth - antichrist - apace - apostate - appealed - appeaseth - appertain - apples - approve - arad - arapha - arcturus - area - arid - aright - arimathea - ariseth - arising - arorite - around - arrogant - arsaces - articles - artificially - artist - asbel - ascenez - asedoth - asemona - asir - asom - asp - assaulting - assemblies - assideans - assigned - associated - ataroth - ater - athach - athenobius - attack - attacked - attain - attended - attentively - aught - augustus - aunt - autumn - ava - availeth - avarice - ave - avenge - avenged - avoided - awaking - awe - axa - axes - azareel - azgad - azmaveth - azotians - azuba - azur - azymes - azzi topac-

b - baala - baalgad - babe - babes - babylonia - bacchus - backwards - baggage - bags - baladan - bale - banaia - baptizeth - bar - barbarian - barbarians - barbarous - bared - barefoot - bartholomew - basins - bat - bate - bearest - becbecia - bechor - beckoned - becoming - bedchamber - bee - beelsephon - beelteem - beep - bees - beeves - beginnings - beguai - behaviour - behoved - behoveth - belga - believers - bell - bells - belt - bemoan - benefit - benignity - beor - berea - beria - bernice - beryl - besai - besor - bethdagon - bethlehemite - bethsur - betimes - betrothed - bezec - bindeth - birthday - bishop - bittern - blade - blasphemer - blasphemers - blasphemeth - blasted - blasting - blessedness - blossoms - blowing - blown - blunt - bodily - boils - boot - bough - bounded - bountiful - boweth - bracelet - brake - bramble - brat - bravely - bravest - breathing - breed - brief - brier - brink - broidered - broiled - brokest - brood - broth - brown - bruise - bruises - bruising - buckle - budded - buffeted - buildest - buildings - bunch - bunches - bundles - burthened - burthensome - buryingplace - buttocks - buying

caathites - cabseel - calamities - calvary - camuel - cane - canopy - carbuncle - carest - cariath-sepher - carioth - carnaim - carvings - cases - cassia - catching - catholic - causeth - ceaseth - cenereth - cenezite - cetura - chaanan - chaldean - challenge - chamaam - chanaana - chance - changers - channels - charcamis - chastiseth - cheerfully - cheerfulness - chelion - cherish - chiefest - childless - chimney - choir - choirs - christian - chronicles - chusi - circle - cison - citizen - claudius - cleaveth - cleopatra - clods - cloudy - clubs - coa - colts - comeliness - comforters - comforteth - comforting - commanders - commandest - commands - commendeth - commiserations - committing - commmitteth - commodious - communicated - communicating - compacted - compasseth - complain - compounded - comprehend - comprised - con- - concealeth - conceits - conceiving - concerned - concluded - concord - concupiscences - condemneth - condescend - condescended - conditions - conduit - confederates - conferred - confesseth - confirming - confoundeth - congratulate - conqueror - conquerors - consenting - consist - consultation - consummated - consummation - containing - contemned - contended - contented - contentious - contents - continent - continuance - contradict - contradicted - contrariwise - contribute - converse - conversing - convicted - coppersmith - copulate - copulateth - copulation - cores - corites - corpse - correcteth - corrupteth - couldst - councils - counting - courteously - coveting - craft - craftiness - craftsman - creep - crib - crier - cries - criest - crop - cruelty - crumbs - cruse - cucumbers - cummin - curdled - curious - curiously - customs - cutteth

dabereth - dagger - dalaia - dames - damnation - damsels - dangers - daub - daytime - de - de- - deacons - deadly - dealing - deaths - decapolis - decay - decayed - decaying - decease - deceiving - declaration - declineth - decrease - decrees - dedicate - deeply - defeat - defending - deferred - defied - defileth - defrauded - degree - delicacies - delicately - delicious - delighteth - deliveredst - deliverest - delivereth - delivery - demandest - demas - denieth - departure - deposed - derbe - derided - deserveth - desolations - despair - determine - detracteth - deuteronomy - deviseth - diadems - didrachmas - didymus - differeth - difficult - difficulty - dina - dine - dining - dipping - disannul - discerning - discoursed - discovereth - discreet - diseased - disfigured - dishes - disobedience - disorderly - displeasing - disquiet - disquieted - dissemble - dissensions - dissolved - distinction - distinguish - distribution - ditch - ditches - diversities - diversity - divinity - divorced - doctor - doer - doers - doeth - dora - dositheus - doted - dothain - doubting - doubtless - dough - dragging - drama - dressers - dressing - driver - driving - droves - drown - drowned - drunkard - drunkards - dull - duly - duma - duty

earthquakes - eastern - eater - ebal - ecbatana - ecstasy - eder - edged - edifieth - edifying - ednas - egeus - elamites - elevate - elevating - elia - eliachim - eliada - eliphelet - elisa - elisur - elphaal - embassage - eminent - emissary - emmanuel - emmaus - emptied - emulation - enchanters - encourage - encouraging - endor - enduring - engaged - engannim - engraved - enjoined - enlighteneth - enrich - entertained - entire - entreating - entreaty - envied - envies - envieth - envying - epaphras - epher - ephesians - erastus - ericius - erring - escapeth - espouse - establishment - esteeming - esthamo - etham - evangelists - everyone - everywhere - evidently - exacter - exaltation - excelled - excessive - excused - execrable - execration - executing - expected - expounded - exterior - extinguished - extolled - extortioners - extremities - extremity - ezer - ezrahite - ezri - fade - faded - fadeth - fading - fainthearted - fairer - fairest - fairs - faithfulness - falls - famines - farewell - farm - farthest - farthing - fashioneth - fasten - fatlings - fearest - feasted - feathered - feathers - fence - fervent - fiercely - fifty-seven - fifty-six - firepans - firstling - firstlings - fix - flanks - flattering - flattery - flayed - fleshly - flieth - flood-gates - flown - foal - footsteps - forbearing - forbiddeth - ford - forepart - foretelleth - forever - forgave - forged - forgetfulness - forgiving - forks - formeth - fornicator - forswear - fortunatus - forty- - forty-four - forty-seven - forty-three - foul - four- - fourfooted - frequent - frequently - friendly - friendships - frighten - frightened - fruitfulness - frumenty - fullness - furious

gaas - gabriel - gadi - gadites - gainsaid - gaius - galaadites - galal - galatians - galilean - galileans - galleries - galleys - gallio - gareb - garizim - garnished - gaulon - gaze - gears - geba - gee - genealogy - genthon - gently - gerasens - gergesite - gersam - gersonites - gethremmon - getteth - girding - girdles - girls - gith - gleaned - glitter - gloried - glorifieth - gloriously - glutted - gnashed - goddess - goldsmith - goldsmiths - golgotha - goodman - gosen - gossem - governments - gozan - grafted - grapegatherers - gratis - graved - gravel - gray - grieveth - groaned - groanings - groans - groin - gross - grounded - guarded - guided - guides - guilt - guiltless - guni - gushed - ha - habor - hachila - hadid - haggith - haircloths - hallowed - halted - hammers - hamul - hanameel - hananeel - handfuls - handle - handled - happily - harim - harmless - haroseth - harshly - hasabia - hasebia - hasersual - hasted - hastily - hasub - hasum - havoth - hawk - healeth - heardest - hearers - hearkening - heavier - hebronites - hegla - heights - heliopolis - helles - helpeth - helping - helps - henceforward - hereby - hered - herein - herem - herodians - heron - hers - hiding - highminded - hindmost - hinges - hissed - hoary - hock - honourably - honours - hood - hor - horned - hornets - horonite - horribly - horrites - horseback - humbly - hunter - hunters - hurl - husam - husathite - husbandry - hypocrisy



idleness - idolaters - idolatry - ignorances - ihelon - ii - images - imagination - imagine - imagined - imitating - immortal - impart - impatient - impiety - impose - imposed - imposition - impoverished - incensed - inclinations - incomprehensible - incredible - incur - infirm - inform - information - inherited - initiated - injurious - injustices - ink - inkhorn - inquiring - inquisition - insolent - inspired - insupportable - intend - invade - invention - invincible - involved - inwardly - inwards - ira - iris - isles - israelite - jaboc - jacan - jadihel - jahath - jahaziel - janoe - japhia - jara - jarib - jaser - jasiel - jasub - javan - jaw - jaziel - jeblaam - jeboc - jecmaan - jecsan - jemla - jemna - jephlat - jerimuth - jessui - jesua - jesuschrist - jetebatha - jethrite - joacim - joah - joanna - joinings - journeyed - jozabed - jubilation - judi - justus - kicked - kindleth - kindling - kinsfolks - kite - knife - knit - knives - knocketh - knocking

lace - lamenting - lances - languishing - lapidary - lasciviousness - lately - lateward - launched - leadest - leavings - ledan - ledge - leedan - lees - legions - leisure - lender - lentils - lessened - letteth - letting - leviathan - levy - lewd - liberal - library - libya - license - lick - licked - lighter - lighting - liked - liken - limbs - linked - lire - litter - livest - load - loaded - lodabar - lodgeth - loftiness - longeth - longing - looks - looseth - loosing - louder - lover - lowly - lucius - luxurious - luxury - lydda - Lydia - Lydians - maala - macedonian - macedonians - madianite - magdal - magician - mahalon - mahath - maintained - maintaineth - mammon - mamuchan - manacles - managed - manifestation - manifestly - mansions - marked - marriages - marrieth - marvelled - masma - mast - matthias - meddle - mede - medicine - medicines - meeteth - melchiel - melluch - melteth - mephaath - meribbaal - merimuth - merob - meselemia - messes - meza - midwife - miletus - mingling - missed - missing - mistake - mixture - mockeries - mockery - moisture - molada - molested - monsters - monstrous - monthly - monuments - mortises - mourneth - mournful - moving - murdered - murmurings - mutter - muzzle

n - naalol - naama - naamathite - naara - naaria - naasson - nabajoth - nahum - namely - namuel - nanea - naphis - napkin - narration - navel - nazarites - necoda - needed - needful - needle - neglecteth - negligent - nehelamite - neighhour - neighing - nemrod - nepheg - neregel - neri - nests - nettles - newness - nineteen - nineteenth - ninety-five - nisan - noted - nourishment - numbering - numenius - nursed - nut - nuts - oaks - oars - obdia - obeyeth - oblique - oblivion - oboth - observeth - observing - occasions - octave - odaia - oded - odollamite - offender - offendeth - offerest - omar - omega - omens - onam - ooliab - ophel - opher - oppose - oppresseth - oppressing - oppressions - oppressors - ordain - orderly - organs - orient - origin - oronaim - orphans - osaias - ostrich - oughtest - outcast - outwardly - overcharged - overmuch - overpowered - overreach - overreached - overshadow - owe - owest - owl - owners

p - painted - painting - pair - palate - paleness - palestine - palmerworm - pangs - paps - paraclete - particular - particularly - partridge - party - passable - passion - pastor - patriarchs - paved - pavilion - pear - pearl - pentecost - perfume - perge - perisheth - permit - persian - persuasion - perverteth - pestle - phaceia - phalti - phara - pharathonite - phasea - phatures - phenenna - phenice - pheshur - phicol - phihahiroth - philistia - philometor - phrygia - phul - phur - phurim - pick - piercing - piety - pigeon - pikes - pile - pillage - pilled - pilots - pin - pined - piped - pits - pitying - plan - plane - planteth - planting - plastered - platting - pleaded - pleasest - plenteous - plot - ploughshares - plunder - plundered - poles - polled - pommels - pomp - pond - pontius - porter - possessor - potsherd - pre- - precinct - prelates - preparations - prescribed - presenting - preserveth - presided - presseth - pressing - presume - presumed - prevaricated - prevarication - prevaricators - pricked - priscilla - prize - prized - proceeding - proconsul - profaning - profession - prologue - prolong - promoted - prone - proposal - proselyte - prospering - prostitute - prostituted - prostrated - provender - proveth - provideth - ptolemy - publicly - pulse - purchasing - purge - purged - purifying - pushed - putiphare - quails - quaked - quantity - quarrelled - quarter - queens - quick - quickened - quickeneth - quietly - quit - quivers

rags - raisins - ramesses - rang - ransom - raphaims - rasin - ravening - ravished - raw - re - readeth - readiness - reapest - reapeth - reaping - rear - reared - reasonable - reasoned - reasoning - rebellions - rebuilt - rebuking - rechabites - reconcile - recorded - records - refer - referred - refuseth - region - regions - regma - rehearsed - rehum - rejecteth - relating - relied - relieve - religiousness - remembereth - removeth - repairs - repeat - repeated - repeateth - replenished - reported - reproacheth - reproachfully - reprobates - requireth - rescued - reseph - resolve - resolved - resort - resorted - resound - respha - restoreth - restrain - retained - reu - reum - revelations - revellings - reverenced - revile - revive - revived - revolting - richer - riders - rifle - rioting - ripped - rival - road - roared - roareth - robbery - rogel - rohobia - roofs - rouse - ruddy - rue - rulest - ruma - runner - rut

sabaoth - sackbut - sacrilege - sacrilegious - saint - salem - sallied - salma - salome - salomith - salutations - saluting - sama - samaa - samaia - samir - sammai - samsai - samua - sanctifieth - sandals - sanir - saphatia - sapphires - sarasar - sardis - sardius - sassabasar - savest - sawed - scab - scarcity - science - scoff - scoffed - scorched - score - scorners - scorneth - scraped - scythes - searcher - seasoned - seated - sebenia - sebia - sechem - sect - sects - security - seducers - seemly - seers - segub - selemith - sella - seller - selmon - semeron - semida - semiramoth - semla - semma - sendest - senses - sensible - sensual - sentences - sentest - separateth - sepho - sephora - serebia - services - sesan - settle - seventy-seven - seventy-three - several - severe - sewed - shadows - shady - shaketh - shamefacedness - shamefully - share - shares - sharpen - shear - shearing - sheddeth - sheepcotes - shewest - shooting - shovels - shrank - shutteth - shutting - sichemites - sift - sighing - sighs - signet - silversmith - sincerity - sinew - sink - sirach - sixteenth - sixty-seven - skipped - slandered - slanderers - slaying - slight - slighted - slingers - slippery - slipt - slumbered - snared - snatch - snuffers - sobab - softly - soil - sojourneth - sojourning - solicitude - solid - solids - solitary - somebody - somer - sooner - soothsayer - sophar - sorcerers - sore - sosipater - soundness - southwest - sowest - spades - Spain - span - sparing - sparingly - special - speedy - spider - spilled - spitting - spokest - sponge - spotless - spots - springeth - springtime - stacte - stain - stakes - stalk - stamped - station - steadfastness - steady - stern - stewardship - stharbuzanai - sticketh - sticking - sting - stinking - stomach - stool - stoop - stooped - stoppeth - stories - stormy - stoutest - straiten - strangled - strengthening - strifes - striker - strikest - striveth - strumpet - studieth - stuff - stumbleth - stumblingblocks - stump - subael - subjects - submit - subtle - successor - succours - suckling - sufficiency - suggested - sums - superfluous - suph - supped - supplant - supported - surfeiting - surpasseth - surprised - surrounding - susa - suspect - suspicion - sustain - sustenance - suthala - swaddling - swam - swearing - sweep - sweeter - swelled - swept - sycamores - sylvanus - symphony - syriac

tablets - takest - talebearer - tanner - taphnes - task - taskmasters - taxed - tearing - tedious - tempering - tempteth - tens - terebinth - testicles - testifieth - thamnas - thanac - thathanai - thebni - thefts - theglathphalasar - thelgathphalnasar - them- - thenceforth - thenceforward - theraphim - thereunto - thicker - thickets - thickness - thins - thirsted - thirsteth - thirty- - thirty-eight - thirty-three - thistles - thogorma - tholmai - thoroughly - thou- - thread - threaten - threatening - threatenings - threshing - throng - thrusting - thyatira - tiberias - tilleth - tingle - tire - today - toil - tokens - toll - tookest - topeth - torch - torches - tore - trace - traditions - traitors - trample - transfer - transferred - transformed - transgresseth - translation - transmigration - traveller - treacherously - trespassed - tributary - trophimus - troughs - trowel - tune - turnest - twenty-five - twenty-one - two-edged - tyranny - tyrant - tyrants - ulam - under- - undermined - unfeigned - unicorns - unity - unlike - unlooked - unmarried - unmindful - unmoveable - unpassable - unquenchable - unstable - unthankful - unwillingly - unworthily - upbraiding - upheld - uppermost - uprightly - ur - uriel - using



vagao - vainly - vales - valiantly - value - vanish - vanished - varied - veils - vein - venom - venture - verses - vinedressers - viper - vipers - virtuous - visitest - vouchsafe - voyage - vulture - wafer - wafers - wag - wagged - wagging - wain - waiters - wardrobe - wards - warlike - warming - warned - warning - watchtower - watereth - watery - wave - weaker - weapon - weather - web - webs - weepest - weigh - whale - whales - whensoever - whip - whips - whirlwinds - whisperer - whited - whiter - wilfully - willeth - wills - winding - winepresses - winketh - withheld - withholdeth - wizards - won - woodland - woody - woof - woollen - workmanship - worshippeth - worthily - wouldest - wrathful - wretched - writer - wrongs - xanthicus - yellow - yes - yieldeth - yonder - youths - zabadia - zabadias - zabdi - zabdiel - zachai - zacharia - zacheus - zanoe - zared - zares - zethua