Hindi uredi

Izgovor uredi

Etimologija 1 uredi

Shortened form of देव (dev), which is ultimately from Sanskrt देव (deva)

Imenica uredi

दे (de)

  1. (Bengal) A type of Bengali Kayastha caste in eastern India.

Etimologija 2 uredi

Shortened form of देवी (devī), which is ultimately from Sanskrt देवी (devī)

Imenica uredi

दे (de)

  1. (rare) An honorific for women
    • यह छबि सूरदास सदा रहै बानी। नँदनंदन राजा राधिका दे रानी। — सूर (शब्द॰)
      yah chabi sūrdās sadā rahai bānī. nãdnandan rājā rādhikā de rānī. — sūr (śabda.)
      (please add an English translation of this usage example)

Etimologija 3 uredi

Glagol uredi

दे (de)

  1. (deprecated use of |lang= parameter) imperative drugo lice jednine of देना (denā)