Popisi:Biblija 10-19

Pogledaj Popisi:Biblija.

The following is a list of 1,392 words that appear between 10 and 19 times in the Bible:

abdenago - abdias - abel - abhor - abhorred - abiding - abigail - ability - abinadab - abiron - abiu - abounded - absent - abuse - accepted - accounted - accusation - achaia - achimaas - achimelech - achior - achitob - act - acted - adad - adar - addo - admiration - admonish - adorn - adulterers - advantage - afflictions - affrighted - aforesaid - agag - agar - aged - aggeus - ago - agreeable - agreed - agrippa - ah - ahias - alcimus - alienated - alike - alleluia - aloud - altogether - amarias - amasa - amazed - ambassadors - ambush - ambushes - aminadab - ammiud - ammonites - amram - amri - ana - anathoth - andrew - apollo - apollonius - appeased - apple - apprehended - approved - Arabians - aram - archers - ariel - arnon - aroer - aromatical - arphaxad - artaxerxes - artificers - asael - ascalon - ascend - ascended - ascent - asketh - asking - asor - assault - Assyrian - astaroth - astonishment - asunder - athalia - atonement - attentive - author - avoid - awaked - axe

baana - backs - backward - baked - bala - balance - bald - bani - bank - banquet - baptist - baptize - barabbas - barac - barachias - bare - barns - base - baskets - beam - beams - beard - becometh - beds - beelzebub - befall - befallen - behalf - beholdeth - beholding - bel - belial - believing - belonged - belongeth - bend - bent - berzellai - beseeching - beset - besiege - besieging - bethania - beth-horon - bethsabee - bethsames - bethsan - bethsura - bethulia - betrayed - bid - bill - birth - bite - black - blame - blameless - blaspheme - blasphemies - blindness - bloody - blot - blotted - blow - blue - board - boast - boat - boil - boiled - bold - boldly - bond - bondmen - bonds - bondwoman - bone - booty - bottle - bottles - boughs - bowing - bowl - box - branch - brazen - breach - breaketh - bribes - brick - briers - bright - brim - brimstone - brook - brotherhood - bruised - bud - builders - bullock - bullocks - bulwarks - burial - burned - burst - bush - butter

cad - cadesbarne - caesarea - cain - calamity - camel - candlesticks - canticles - capharnaum - carcass - caree - careful - carefully - carefulness - cariathiarim - carnal - cart - casteth - caul - ceasing - cedes - cedron - ceila - celebrated - cenez - censers - centurions - certainly - chain - chaldees - cham - chanaanites - channel - chapiter - chapiters - charges - charmi - chaste - chastise - chastised - chastity - cheek - cheer - chusai - cilicia - cis - cistern - citizens - cleansing - clear - cleave - clemency - cloak - closed - cloth - clothe - clothing - cluster - coast - coats - cock - colt - comest - commandeth - commanding - commend - committeth - companion - compelled - conceive - concubine - concubines - concupiscence - condemnation - conduct - conducted - confident - confidently - confines - conquered - consecrate - consecration - considered - considereth - consolation - conspiracy - conspired - contained - contempt - contend - content - contention - contentions - continueth - contradiction - convenient - cord - correct - corrected - corruptible - counsellor - counsellors - count - countrymen - course - covereth - covert - covet - coveted - covetous - cow - creation - creator - crieth - crimes - crooked - crowd - crowned - crowns - crucify - crush - cud - cured - curses - curseth - cursing - curtain - cymbals - cyrene

dabir - dagon - dare - darkened - dathan - deaf - dear - dearest - deceiveth - decline - decreed - dedicated - dedication - defence - defend - delicate - delightful - delights - deliverance - delivering - demand - denied - dens - deprived - depths - derision - deserved - design - designed - designs - destroying - devise - devised - devouring - dibon - dieth - difference - different - dig - digged - dignity - diligence - diligent - dim - diminished - dinner - dip - directed - discourse - discover - diseases - dishonour - dismissed - displeased - distance - distresses - distribute - distributed - divination - divine - diviners - divisions - dog - doubt - doves - dragons - drawing - dreadful - dreamed - dressed - drinketh - driveth - drop - drought - drunken - drunkenness - dug - dukes - durst

earnestly - earrings - earthen - earthly - earthquake - ease - easier - easily - eastward - easy - edict - edification - effect - eglon - eighteenth - eighty - ela - elders - eldest - elephants - elevated - eliab - eliacim - eliasib - eliezer - eliphaz - elisama - eliu - elizabeth - embroidered - enan - encamped - encompassed - endeavour - endured - engines - enjoy - enkindled - enlarged - enlighten - enlightened - ennom - enriched - entereth - entrails - entreat - ephesus - ephrata - ephron - equally - equity - erred - esteemed - estimation - ethiopians - evermore - ewe - examine - exercise - exercised - exhort - exhortation - expect - expectation - expedient - experience - expiation - expired - exposed - extol - fainted - faithfully - falleth - falsehood - falsely - farther - fashioned - fasted - fastened - fatness - fearful - feasting - feedeth - feeding - feel - fellowship - female - festus - fetters - fidelity - fiery - figure - filth - filthiness - filthy - finest - fingers - finish - fir - fixed - flat - flax - flies - flourish - flow - flowers - floweth - flowing - flying - followeth - foolishly - foolishness - footstool - forbear - forced - forces - forehead - foreign - forgot - fortress - forty-five - fourscore - foursquare - fowl - fragments - framed - frogs - frost - fruitful - fugitives - furlongs - furnish - furnished - further

gabelus - gained - galaadite - gall - gardens - gathereth - gazara - gazer - gessen - giants - gibbet - giezi - gladly - godliness - goest - goodly - gorgias - gracious - grain - grandsons - grape - greek - greeks - grey - grievously - groaning - grove - groweth - growing - guard - guards - guide - guile - hall - hanan - hanani - hananias - handmaids - hang - hangeth - hangings - happen - happy - haran - harden - harlots - harm - hart - hasten - hasty - hateful - headlong - healing - heaps - hearth - hedge - heifer - heinous - heirs - heliodorus - helpers - hem - heman - henoch - herb - herbs - heretofore - hermon - hesron - heth - hethites - hew - hewed - hideth - hin - hindered - hireling - holdeth - hole - holes - honeycomb - honoureth - hoof - horeb - howling - humility - hundreds - hur - husbandman - hymn - hymns - hypocrite - hypocrites - hyssop



idithun - idle - immense - immolate - impossible - in- - inclined - incredulous - infancy - infant - infants - infinite - infirmities - inhabit - injury - innocence - innumerable - inquired - inscription - instruct - interpret - interpreted - invoked - isaar - isboseth - iscariot - island - ismael - israelites - ivory - jahiel - jair - japheth - jason - jaws - jazer - jealous - jebusites - jechonias - jehiel - jemini - jephone - jephte - jerimoth - jerobaal - jeroham - jesse - jether - joachin - joatham - joel - joints - jonadab - josedec - judgest - judging - justify - justly - keepers - kid - kidneys - kids - killeth - killing - kindle - kine - kinsmen - labourer - labourers - lamech - language - large - laughed - laughter - laver - layeth - lazarus - leaf - lean - leaped - learning - leavened - legs - lend - lent - leper - lesser - liar - libation - lied - lifteth - lightning - lightnings - lights - likened - lilies - lily - limits - line - lioness - locks - locust - lodge - lodged - lofty - lovest

m - maasias - machmas - mad - madest - madness - magdalen - mageddo - magicians - magnificence - maidservant - mail - makest - males - mall - mambre - manifested - manifold - manna - manners - manservant - mantle - manue - march - marrow - martha - masons - matters - meal - meaneth - meaning - meant - measuring - meditation - meekness - melcha - melchisedech - mello - melody - melt - menelaus - menservants - merchandise - mere - micha - michael - michas - michol - middle - midnight - mightest - mightier - minded - minds - miphiboseth - mire - mirth - misach - mischief - misery - mist - mistress - mitre - moholi - moloch - moment - monument - moons - morsel - mortal - mortar - moth - mule - murder - murderer - murderers - murmur - murmuring - music - myrrh - naaman - nabuzardan - nachor - nails - narrow - nathanias - nathinites - nativity - nature - necessaries - needs - neglect - nehemias - neighbor - ner - nest - nets - ninety - noble - noemi - noon - nose - notice - nourished - numerous - nurse

oak - obed - obededom - obedient - oblations - obscure - offences - offend - ointments - olives - olivet - onyx - openeth - openly - opportunity - oppression - oppressor - orchard - ornament - ornaments - osee - ours - outside - oven - overcame - overflowing - overseers - overtake - overthrew - owner - oza - oziel - paid - pains - palsy - pardon - partaker - passage - pastors - pasture - pastures - patiently - pavement - peaceably - perfected - perfection - perils - persecution - persia - persuade - persuaded - petition - phacee - pharan - pharisee - pherezite - physician - pine - pitch - pitcher - plainly - playing - plead - pleasant - plentiful - plenty - plough - plucked - point - polluted - possesseth - possible - posts - pots - pounds - pouring - powerful - praising - precept - press - prevented - priestly - principal - prisoner - prisoners - private - privately - proceed - proceeded - proclaimed - pronounced - proper - propitiatory - proposed - prospered - prosperity - prosperous - prostrate - protect - protected - protection - proudly - provide - provided - provision - provisions - provoking - psalteries - psaltery - ptolemais - public - publicans - publish - published - puffed - pull - punish - punishment - purchase - purification - purify - pursuing - putteth

quarrels - quarters - quenched - question - questions - quicken - rabbi - rabsaces - rained - rama - ramatha - raphaim - reached - reading - reapers - rebelled - rebellious - rechab - reconciled - recover - recovered - redeemer - refrain - refreshed - refuse - regarded - rejoiceth - relate - related - religion - remaining - remembering - remission - remmon - removing - rend - rendered - renew - renewed - repair - repaired - repentance - repented - report - reproached - reproaches - reproof - reproved - required - resemblance - reserved - residue - resisted - retired - returneth - revelation - revenged - revenues - reverence - rider - righteous - rightly - riseth - rite - roaring - robber - robes - rods - rohob - rolled - romelia - rooted - rottenness - rows - ruled - ruleth - rumour - rushed - rust - ruth

sacks - sadducees - sadness - safety - saidst - sail - sailed - sakes - salathiel - sale - salmana - saluted - samma - sanaballat - sapphire - saraa - sarai - saraias - satisfy - saving - scales - scandal - scandalize - scandalized - scarce - scorn - scourged - scourges - se - searched - seats - securely - sedition - seduce - seduced - segor - self - selfsame - selves - sem - semeia - sendeth - sennacherib - senseless - separation - serveth - servile - serving - sesac - seth - setteth - sevenfold - seventy-two - sex - shah - shake - shave - shell - shineth - shone - shook - shortened - shortly - shot - shouted - shouting - showers - siba - siceleg - sickle - sickness - sicle - sidonians - sidrach - signed - silas - similitude - simple - sinful - singers - sir - sisara - sisters - sittest - situate - skill - sky - slave - slaves - sleepeth - slothful - smell - snares - soba - sobal - sober - sojourn - sojourner - soldier - sole - solemnities - something - sometimes - somewhat - soothsayers - sophonias - sort - sounding - southward - sowed - soweth - sparrow - speakest - speeches - speed - spend - spies - spoiled - spot - spreading - springs - sprinkle - sprung - spy - square - standard - state - statues - stature - statutes - staves - steadfast - steward - stolen - stop - store - storehouses - stout - strait - straitened - straw - stream - stretching - strife - striketh - striking - strip - strive - stroke - strongest - stubble - stubborn - stuck - stumble - subdued - subjection - succeed - success - suck - suffering - sufferings - sufficient - summer - supper - supplications - support - sur - surety - susan - Susanna - swallow - sweareth - swelling - Syrian



tail - talent - talk - talked - tall - tarried - tarry - tasted - teacher - teacheth - tear - tempt - tenths - terrified - terrify - testified - testify - thabor - thanksgiving - thare - tharsis - thecua - theirs - theman - thereon - thersa - thieves - thinketh - thirteen - thirteenth - thirtieth - thirty-two - thomas - thrashingfloor - threatened - thrice - throat - thrones - thunder - thunders - tied - tile - timbrels - timotheus - tip - title - titus - tooth - torment - tormented - torments - torn - torrents - tradition - transgress - transgressions - transgressors - translated - treasury - treat - treated - tremble - trial - tribulations - tribune - tribunes - tributes - troubles - troublesome - truly - trusteth - trusting - tunick - turneth - twenty-eight - twenty-two - unbelief - unbelievers - uncircumcision - unction - understandeth - unknown - unlawful - unspotted - uphold - usury - uttered - uttereth - valour - vanities - verily - vesture - vexation - viewed - vinegar - vines - violated - violent - violently - virginity - virtues - vomit



waiting - walled - wandered - wandering - wanteth - ward - warmed - warriors - washing - watched - watches - watching - watchman - watered - wear - week - weeks - weighed - westward - whelps - whereunto - wholly - wide - window - winepress - wing - winter - wisely - wiser - withdraw - withdrawn - wither - withstand - wondrous - woods - wool - wore - workers - working - workman - workmen - worm - worms - worth - wounds - woven - wrapped - wronged - yielded - youngest - yours - zambri - zara - zebedee - zebee - zechri - ziph -