Такође погледајте: Додатак:Варијанте од "i"
ï (upper case Ï)
See also
- (Латински текст): Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Sſs Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
- (Variations of letter I): Íí Ìì Ĭĭ Îî Ǐǐ Ïï Ḯḯ Ĩĩ Įį Īī Ỉỉ Ȉȉ Ȋȋ Ịị Ḭḭ Ɨɨɨ̆ ᵻ ᶖ İi Iı ɪ Ii fi ffi IJij IJij
- (Letters using umlaut or diaresis sign): Ää Ǟǟ Ëë Ḧḧ Ïï Ḯḯ N̈n̈ Öö Ȫȫ Ṏṏ ẗ Üü Ǘǘ Ǚǚ Ǜǜ Ǖǖ Ṻṻ Ṳṳ Ẅẅ Ẍẍ Ÿÿ
Southern Sami
- (deprecated use of
parameter) Lua грешка in Модул:languages/doSubstitutions at line 80: Substitution data 'sma-sortkey' does not match an existing module..
Lua грешка in Модул:languages/doSubstitutions at line 80: Substitution data 'sma-sortkey' does not match an existing module..
- The ninth letter of the Southern Sami alphabet, written in the Latin script.