Викиречник:Белоруски транслитерација

These are the rules concerning transliteration in Белоруски entries. This system is based on the scholarly system of transliteration used in linguistics.

Words are automatically transliterated through Module:be-translit; see Module:be-translit/testcases.

Wiktionary standard transliteration for Belarusian
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А Б В Г Д Е Ё Ж З І Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ў Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Ы Ь Э Ю Я '
а б в г д е ё ж з і й к л м н о п р с т у ў ф х ц ч ш ы ь э ю я
a b v h d je ž z i j k l m n o p r s t u ŭ f x c č š y ʹ e ju ja ʺ
  • The letter Ґ, ґ (G, g) is occasionally used but is not part of the standard Belarusian alphabet.
  • The apostrophe ' (апо́страф (apóstraf)) is often considered a 33rd letter of the Belarusian alphabet. It is used to separate consonants from following vowels, as in п'я́ны (pʺjány) “drunk”.

Syllabic stress уреди

Syllabic stress is indicated by an acute accent ´ over the stressed vowel:

  • Cyrillic: А́, а́, Е́, е́, І́, і́, О́, о́, У́, у́, Ы́, ы́, Э́, э́, Ю́, ю́, Я́, я́.
  • Roman: Á, á, Jé, jé, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, Ý, ý, É, é, Jú, jú, Já, já.

E.g., ры́ба (rýba, fish)

  • <ё> is almost always stressed, and is thus automatically transcribed as jó, unless an accent is provided on another vowel of the word (e.g. ра́дыё (rádyjo)); <ё́> thus shouldn't be used.
  • <о> is almost always stressed, and is thus automatically transcribed as ó, unless an accent is provided on another vowel of the word. However, it is customary to write the accent anyway: <о́>

See also уреди