Шаблон:language extradata documentation

This module contains definitions and metadata for language codes. See Wiktionary:Languages for more information.

This module must not be used directly in other modules or templates. The data should be accessed through Модул:languages.

The following errors were detected by Модул:data consistency check:

  • Southern Amami-Oshima, the canonical name for ams, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Panyi Bai, the canonical name for bfc, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Daakaka, the canonical name for bpa, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Äiwoo, the canonical name for nfl, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Toku-No-Shima, the canonical name for tkn, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Ura (Papua New Guinea), the canonical name for uro, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Wiradjuri, the canonical name for wrh, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Literary Chinese језик (lzh-lit) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code lzh.
  • The data key preprocess_links for ??? (th-new) is invalid.
  • Southern Amami Ōshima, the canonical name for the code ams, is wrong; it should be Southern Amami-Oshima.
  • The canonical name Southern Amami-Oshima (ams) is missing.
  • The canonical name Амерички знаковни језик (ase) is missing.
  • American Sign Language, the canonical name for the code ase, is wrong; it should be Амерички знаковни језик.
  • The canonical name Dhundhari (dhd) is missing.
  • Proto-West Germanic, the canonical name for the code gmw-pro, is wrong; it should be Пра-Западно Германски.
  • The canonical name Пра-Западно Германски (gmw-pro) is missing.
  • The canonical name Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro) is missing.
  • Пра-Индо-Европски, the canonical name for the code ine-pro, is wrong; it should be Proto-Indo-European.
  • Aiwoo, the canonical name for the code nfl, is wrong; it should be Äiwoo.
  • The canonical name Äiwoo (nfl) is missing.
  • Moabite, the canonical name for the code obm, is wrong; it should be Моавски.
  • The canonical name Моавски (obm) is missing.
  • Пра-Семитски, the canonical name for the code sem-pro, is wrong; it should be Proto-Semitic.
  • The canonical name Proto-Semitic (sem-pro) is missing.
  • The canonical name Кантонски (yue) is missing.
  • Cantonese, the canonical name for the code yue, is wrong; it should be Кантонски.
  • Afar, the canonical name for the code aa, is wrong; it should be Афарски.
  • Afrikaans, the canonical name for the code af, is wrong; it should be Африкански.
  • Amharic, the canonical name for the code am, is wrong; it should be Амхарски.
  • Southern Amami Ōshima, the canonical name for the code ams, is wrong; it should be Southern Amami-Oshima.
  • Old English, the canonical name for the code ang, is wrong; it should be Стари Енглески.
  • Arabic, the canonical name for the code ar, is wrong; it should be Арапски.
  • Aramaic, the canonical name for the code arc, is wrong; it should be Арамејски.
  • American Sign Language, the canonical name for the code ase, is wrong; it should be Амерички знаковни језик.
  • Azerbaijani, the canonical name for the code az, is wrong; it should be Азербејџански.
  • Belarusian, the canonical name for the code be, is wrong; it should be Белоруски.
  • Bulgarian, the canonical name for the code bg, is wrong; it should be Бугарски.
  • Braj, the canonical name for the code bra, is wrong; it should be Брај.
  • Catalan, the canonical name for the code ca, is wrong; it should be Каталонски.
  • Mandarin, the canonical name for the code cmn, is wrong; it should be Мандарин.
  • Corsican, the canonical name for the code co, is wrong; it should be Корзички.
  • Czech, the canonical name for the code cs, is wrong; it should be Чешки.
  • Welsh, the canonical name for the code cy, is wrong; it should be Велшки.
  • Danish, the canonical name for the code da, is wrong; it should be Дански.
  • German, the canonical name for the code de, is wrong; it should be Немачки.
  • Dungan, the canonical name for the code dng, is wrong; it should be Дунган.
  • Greek, the canonical name for the code el, is wrong; it should be Грчки.
  • English, the canonical name for the code en, is wrong; it should be Енглески.
  • Middle English, the canonical name for the code enm, is wrong; it should be Средњи Енглески.
  • Esperanto, the canonical name for the code eo, is wrong; it should be Есперанто.
  • Spanish, the canonical name for the code es, is wrong; it should be Шпански.
  • Basque, the canonical name for the code eu, is wrong; it should be Баскијски.
  • Finnish, the canonical name for the code fi, is wrong; it should be Фински.
  • French, the canonical name for the code fr, is wrong; it should be Француски.
  • Old French, the canonical name for the code fro, is wrong; it should be Стари Француски.
  • Irish, the canonical name for the code ga, is wrong; it should be Ирски.
  • Proto-West Germanic, the canonical name for the code gmw-pro, is wrong; it should be Пра-Западно Германски.
  • Gothic, the canonical name for the code got, is wrong; it should be Готски.
  • Ancient Greek, the canonical name for the code grc, is wrong; it should be Антички Грчки.
  • Gujarati, the canonical name for the code gu, is wrong; it should be Гуџарати.
  • Hawaiian, the canonical name for the code haw, is wrong; it should be Хавајски.
  • Hebrew, the canonical name for the code he, is wrong; it should be Хебрејски.
  • Hindi, the canonical name for the code hi, is wrong; it should be Хинди.
  • Hungarian, the canonical name for the code hu, is wrong; it should be Мађарски.
  • Armenian, the canonical name for the code hy, is wrong; it should be Јерменски.
  • Ido, the canonical name for the code io, is wrong; it should be Идо.
  • Italian, the canonical name for the code it, is wrong; it should be Италијански.
  • Japanese, the canonical name for the code ja, is wrong; it should be Јапански.
  • Korean, the canonical name for the code ko, is wrong; it should be Корејски.
  • Latin, the canonical name for the code la, is wrong; it should be Латински.
  • Ladino, the canonical name for the code lad, is wrong; it should be Ладино.
  • Macedonian, the canonical name for the code mk, is wrong; it should be Македонски.
  • Malayalam, the canonical name for the code ml, is wrong; it should be Малајалам.
  • Mongolian, the canonical name for the code mn, is wrong; it should be Монголски.
  • Marathi, the canonical name for the code mr, is wrong; it should be Марати.
  • Malay, the canonical name for the code ms, is wrong; it should be Малајски.
  • Maltese, the canonical name for the code mt, is wrong; it should be Малтешки.
  • Translingual, the canonical name for the code mul, is wrong; it should be Међународни.
  • Nepali, the canonical name for the code ne, is wrong; it should be Непали.
  • Dutch, the canonical name for the code nl, is wrong; it should be Холандски.
  • Norwegian, the canonical name for the code no, is wrong; it should be Норвешки.
  • Moabite, the canonical name for the code obm, is wrong; it should be Моавски.
  • Okinoerabu, the canonical name for the code okn, is wrong; it should be Oki-No-Erabu.
  • Old Marathi, the canonical name for the code omr, is wrong; it should be Стари Марати.
  • Old Tamil, the canonical name for the code oty, is wrong; it should be Стари Тамилски.
  • Pali, the canonical name for the code pi, is wrong; it should be Пали.
  • Polish, the canonical name for the code pl, is wrong; it should be Пољски.
  • Portuguese, the canonical name for the code pt, is wrong; it should be Португалски.
  • Romanian, the canonical name for the code ro, is wrong; it should be Румунски.
  • Russian, the canonical name for the code ru, is wrong; it should be Руски.
  • Sanskrit, the canonical name for the code sa, is wrong; it should be Санскрт.
  • Scots, the canonical name for the code sco, is wrong; it should be Шкотски.
  • Serbo-Croatian, the canonical name for the code sh, is wrong; it should be Српскохрватски.
  • Slovak, the canonical name for the code sk, is wrong; it should be Словачки.
  • Slovene, the canonical name for the code sl, is wrong; it should be Словенски.
  • Proto-Slavic, the canonical name for the code sla-pro, is wrong; it should be Пра-Словенски.
  • Albanian, the canonical name for the code sq, is wrong; it should be Албански.
  • Swedish, the canonical name for the code sv, is wrong; it should be Шведски.
  • Thai, the canonical name for the code th, is wrong; it should be Тајски.
  • Tokunoshima, the canonical name for the code tkn, is wrong; it should be Toku-No-Shima.
  • Tagalog, the canonical name for the code tl, is wrong; it should be Тагалог.
  • Tok Pisin, the canonical name for the code tpi, is wrong; it should be Ток Писин.
  • Turkish, the canonical name for the code tr, is wrong; it should be Турски.
  • Ukrainian, the canonical name for the code uk, is wrong; it should be Украјински.
  • Vietnamese, the canonical name for the code vi, is wrong; it should be Вијетнамски.
  • Yiddish, the canonical name for the code yi, is wrong; it should be Јидиш.
  • Cantonese, the canonical name for the code yue, is wrong; it should be Кантонски.
  • Code: aa. Saw name: Afar. Expected name: Афарски.
  • Code: af. Saw name: Afrikaans. Expected name: Африкански.
  • Code: als. Saw name: Albanian. Expected name: Албански.
  • Code: ams. Saw name: Southern Amami Ōshima. Expected name: Southern Amami-Oshima.
  • Code: ang. Saw name: Old English. Expected name: Стари Енглески.
  • Code: ar. Saw name: Arabic. Expected name: Арапски.
  • Code: arc. Saw name: Aramaic. Expected name: Арамејски.
  • Code: az. Saw name: Azerbaijani. Expected name: Азербејџански.
  • Code: be. Saw name: Belarusian. Expected name: Белоруски.
  • Code: bg. Saw name: Bulgarian. Expected name: Бугарски.
  • Code: ca. Saw name: Catalan. Expected name: Каталонски.
  • Code: cmn. Saw name: Mandarin. Expected name: Мандарин.
  • Code: cmn-ear. Saw name: Mandarin. Expected name: Мандарин.
  • Code: co. Saw name: Corsican. Expected name: Корзички.
  • Code: cs. Saw name: Czech. Expected name: Чешки.
  • Code: cy. Saw name: Welsh. Expected name: Велшки.
  • Code: da. Saw name: Danish. Expected name: Дански.
  • Code: de. Saw name: German. Expected name: Немачки.
  • Code: dng. Saw name: Dungan. Expected name: Дунган.
  • Code: el. Saw name: Greek. Expected name: Грчки.
  • Code: en. Saw name: English. Expected name: Енглески.
  • Code: enm. Saw name: Middle English. Expected name: Средњи Енглески.
  • Code: eo. Saw name: Esperanto. Expected name: Есперанто.
  • Code: es. Saw name: Spanish. Expected name: Шпански.
  • Code: eu. Saw name: Basque. Expected name: Баскијски.
  • Code: fi. Saw name: Finnish. Expected name: Фински.
  • Code: fr. Saw name: French. Expected name: Француски.
  • Code: fr-CA. Saw name: French. Expected name: Француски.
  • Code: frk. Saw name: Proto-West Germanic. Expected name: Пра-Западно Германски.
  • Code: fro. Saw name: Old French. Expected name: Стари Француски.
  • Code: fro-nor. Saw name: Old French. Expected name: Стари Француски.
  • Code: ga. Saw name: Irish. Expected name: Ирски.
  • Code: gem. Saw name: Germanic. Expected name: Германски.
  • Code: gem-pro. Saw name: Proto-Germanic. Expected name: Пра-Германски.
  • Code: gkm. Saw name: Ancient Greek. Expected name: Антички Грчки.
  • Code: gmw-pro. Saw name: Proto-West Germanic. Expected name: Пра-Западно Германски.
  • Code: got. Saw name: Gothic. Expected name: Готски.
  • Code: grc. Saw name: Ancient Greek. Expected name: Антички Грчки.
  • Code: gu. Saw name: Gujarati. Expected name: Гуџарати.
  • Code: haw. Saw name: Hawaiian. Expected name: Хавајски.
  • Code: he. Saw name: Hebrew. Expected name: Хебрејски.
  • Code: hi. Saw name: Hindi. Expected name: Хинди.
  • Code: hu. Saw name: Hungarian. Expected name: Мађарски.
  • Code: hy. Saw name: Armenian. Expected name: Јерменски.
  • Code: io. Saw name: Ido. Expected name: Идо.
  • Code: it. Saw name: Italian. Expected name: Италијански.
  • Code: itc-ola. Saw name: Latin. Expected name: Латински.
  • Code: ja. Saw name: Japanese. Expected name: Јапански.
  • Code: ko. Saw name: Korean. Expected name: Корејски.
  • Code: la. Saw name: Latin. Expected name: Латински.
  • Code: lad. Saw name: Ladino. Expected name: Ладино.
  • Code: mk. Saw name: Macedonian. Expected name: Македонски.
  • Code: ml. Saw name: Malayalam. Expected name: Малајалам.
  • Code: mn. Saw name: Mongolian. Expected name: Монголски.
  • Code: mr. Saw name: Marathi. Expected name: Марати.
  • Code: ms. Saw name: Malay. Expected name: Малајски.
  • Code: ms-cla. Saw name: Malay. Expected name: Малајски.
  • Code: ms-old. Saw name: Malay. Expected name: Малајски.
  • Code: mt. Saw name: Maltese. Expected name: Малтешки.
  • Code: mul. Saw name: Translingual. Expected name: Међународни.
  • Code: ne. Saw name: Nepali. Expected name: Непали.
  • Code: nl. Saw name: Dutch. Expected name: Холандски.
  • Code: no. Saw name: Norwegian. Expected name: Норвешки.
  • Code: okn. Saw name: Okinoerabu. Expected name: Oki-No-Erabu.
  • Code: pi. Saw name: Pali. Expected name: Пали.
  • Code: pl. Saw name: Polish. Expected name: Пољски.
  • Code: pt. Saw name: Portuguese. Expected name: Португалски.
  • Code: ro. Saw name: Romanian. Expected name: Румунски.
  • Code: ru. Saw name: Russian. Expected name: Руски.
  • Code: sa. Saw name: Sanskrit. Expected name: Санскрт.
  • Code: sa-ved. Saw name: Sanskrit. Expected name: Санскрт.
  • Code: sco. Saw name: Scots. Expected name: Шкотски.
  • Code: sh. Saw name: Serbo-Croatian. Expected name: Српскохрватски.
  • Code: sk. Saw name: Slovak. Expected name: Словачки.
  • Code: sl. Saw name: Slovene. Expected name: Словенски.
  • Code: sla. Saw name: Slavic. Expected name: Словенски.
  • Code: sla-pro. Saw name: Proto-Slavic. Expected name: Пра-Словенски.
  • Code: sq. Saw name: Albanian. Expected name: Албански.
  • Code: sv. Saw name: Swedish. Expected name: Шведски.
  • Code: ta. Saw name: Tamil. Expected name: Тамил.
  • Code: th. Saw name: Thai. Expected name: Тајски.
  • Code: tl. Saw name: Tagalog. Expected name: Тагалог.
  • Code: tpi. Saw name: Tok Pisin. Expected name: Ток Писин.
  • Code: tr. Saw name: Turkish. Expected name: Турски.
  • Code: uk. Saw name: Ukrainian. Expected name: Украјински.
  • Code: vi. Saw name: Vietnamese. Expected name: Вијетнамски.
  • Code: xno. Saw name: Old French. Expected name: Стари Француски.
  • Code: yi. Saw name: Yiddish. Expected name: Јидиш.
  • Code: yue. Saw name: Cantonese. Expected name: Кантонски.
  • Code: zh. Saw name: Chinese. Expected name: Кинески.

All values are optional.

A list of aliases/synonyms for the language, other than the canonical name.
A table of language varieties that are subsumed under the language. This should not in general include those language varieties for which separate etymology language codes have been assigned (e.g. Late Latin, Vulgar Latin and Medieval Latin for Latin; Auvergnat, Gascon, Lengadocian, Limousin, Provençal and Vivaro-Alpine for Occitan). If a given variety has several names, they can all be listed by including a sublist in the overall list, where the first element is the canonical name that you want the variety to be known by, and the remainder are aliases. For example, Azerbaijani lists the following under varieties:
	{"North Azerbaijani", "South Azerbaijani",
		{"Afshar", "Afshari", "Afshar Azerbaijani", "Afchar"},
		{"Qashqa'i", "Qashqai", "Kashkay"},

Here, the Afshar variety has three aliases specified (Afshari, Afshar Azerbaijani, and Afchar) while the Qashqa'i variety has two aliases specified (Qashqai and Kashkay), and the Songor, North Azerbaijani and South Azerbaijani varieties have no aliases listed. Note that, as here, varieties at different levels of specificity can be given in the same list.

In some cases varieties should instead be added to Module:etymology languages/data, with the language as the parent value, so that they can be referred to in etymologies.

otherNames (deprecated)
A table of all non-canonical names that this language is known by, including both synonyms and language varieties. This should not be used in new languages, and existing languages should have the entries in this list moved into either aliases or varieties.