U+5728, 在

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Редослед писања

Han character

(Kangxi radical 32, +3, 6 strokes, cangjie input 大中土 (KLG), четири-угла 40214, composition𠂇)

Derived characters


  • KangXi: не постоји, would follow page 224, карактер 18
  • Dai Kanwa Jiten: карактер 4881
  • Dae Jaweon: страна 455, карактер 14
  • Hanyu Da Zidian: том 1, страна 418, карактер 7
  • Unihan data за U+5728

Further reading


Glyph origin

Историјски облици карактера
Shang Spring and Autumn Warring States Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) Liushutong (compiled in Ming) Libian (compiled in Qing)
Oracle bone script Bronze inscriptions Qin slip script Small seal script Transcribed ancient scripts Clerical script
Знакови у истом фонетском низу () (Zhengzhang, 2003) 
Стари Кинески

Phonetic compound (): phonetic  + phonetic .

Now phono-semantic compound (形聲形声 (xíngshēng)) : phonetic  + semantic  (earth).

was often visually identical to (“sprout”) in the oracle bone script and some of the bronze inscriptions. It may be either a phonetic loan or a figurative derivative.

Etymology 1

једн. and трад.
алтернативне форме

Probably related to (“to plant”) (Schuessler, 2007).

Ова etymology је некомплетна. Можете да помогнете Викиречнику тако што ћете разрадити извор овог израза .


Нота: de4 - modal particle.
  • Sixian:
    • chhai - literary;
    • chhôi - colloquial;
    • ti/tu/tui/to/chhi/thê/thî/tî/chhî/chhô/chhok - colloquial (probably substitute).
  • Meixian:
    • cai4 - literary;
    • coi1 - colloquial;
    • hoi1/hoi4 - colloquial (preposition, also written as or ).
  • Jin
  • Min Bei
  • Min Dong
  • Мин Нан
  • Нота: dō - Zhao'an.
    • do6 - colloquial;
    • zai6 - literary.
  • Wu
  • Xiang
  • Нота:
    • dou5 - colloquial (preposition);
    • zai5 - colloquial;
    • zai4 - literary.


    1. to exist; to be alive
        ―  Zài ma?  ―  Are you here?
    2. to be at; to be in; to be located
      哪裡哪里  ―  zài nǎlǐ?  ―  Where is he?
      旅館購物中心附近 [MSC, trad.]
      旅馆购物中心附近 [MSC, simp.]
      Lǚguǎn zài xīn gòuwù zhōngxīn fùjìn. [Pinyin]
      The hotel is located near the new shopping center.
      只塊只块 [Teochew]  ―  ua2 do6 zi2 go3. [Peng'im]  ―  I am here.
    3. be ...-ing; in the middle of doing something (indicating an action in progress)
      電視电视  ―  zài kàn diànshì.  ―  I'm watching TV.
      米飯米饭  ―  zài chī mǐfàn.  ―  He's eating rice.
      食飯食饭 [Teochew]  ―  ua2 do6 ziah8 beng7. [Peng'im]  ―  I am eating.
    4. (located) in; at
      中國中国  ―  Wǒ zhù zài Zhōngguó.  ―  I live in China.
      我們當地報紙廣告 [MSC, trad.]
      我们当地报纸广告 [MSC, simp.]
      Wǒmen zài dāngdì bàozhǐ shàng dēng le yī zé guǎnggào. [Pinyin]
      We put an ad in the local paper.
      每天下午家裡工作 [MSC, trad.]
      每天下午家里工作 [MSC, simp.]
      Měitiān xiàwǔ tā zài jiālǐ gōngzuò. [Pinyin]
      Every afternoon he works at home.
    5. during; in
      打算假期什麼 [MSC, trad.]
      打算假期什么 [MSC, simp.]
      Nǐ dǎsuàn zài jiàqī lǐ zuò shénme? [Pinyin]
      What do you plan to do during the holidays?
      日記生前未曾發表 [MSC, trad.]
      日记生前未曾发表 [MSC, simp.]
      Tā de rìjì zài tā shēngqián wèicéng fābiǎo guò. [Pinyin]
      His diary was not published during his lifetime.
    6. to lie in; to rest with
      人為人为  ―  shìzàirénwéi  ―  human effort can achieve everything;
      成功堅持成功坚持  ―  Chénggōng guì zài jiānchí.  ―  Perseverance is vital to success.
      自己  ―  Qù bù qù zài nǐ zìjǐ.  ―  It's up to you whether to go or not.
    7. to be at the post
        ―  zàizhí  ―  to be on the job; to be at one's post
        ―  zài  ―  to be out of office
    8. Шаблон:zh-misspelling of
    9. A презиме​..

    Etymology 2

    једн. and трад.



    1. (Hokkien) Alternative form of (“at, in”).




    Lua грешка in Модул:languages at line 1302: The function getByCode expects a string as its first argument, but received nil..




    (ざい) (zai

    1. Clipping of 在郷 (zaigō): countryside or outskirts


    (ざい) or (prefix) (zai or prefix[[Category:Јапански Шаблон:error|さい']]

    1. residing in



    Lua грешка in Модул:headword at line 442: In full_headword(), `data.translits` must be an array but is a string.

    1. Hanja form? of (exist).


    Old Korean

    Alternative forms



    1. to exist, to be at
      Синоним: 有叱 (*Is-)
    2. A common auxiliary verb or (more probably) verbal suffix, usually thought to denote the completive aspect, i.e. describing an action which has been completed and remains in such a state. An alternative but minority hypothesis holds that it honored the subject of the verb to a moderate degree, whereas (*-si) was more highly honorific.

    Usage notes

    • In both senses, it appears to have been wholly supplanted by the Middle Korean stage by 有叱 (*Is-) > Middle Korean 잇다〮 (ìstá), which is already more common for the independent verbal sense in the early first millennium and is first attested as an auxiliary in 1262. The word is not found in Middle Korean outside the two derived terms given below.

    Reconstruction notes

    • Conventionally read as *KYE- because Middle Korean Idu script manuals, which commonly preserve Old Korean readings, read this character as (kyen), which is clearly an inflected form with the realis gerund (-n).
    • Although Old Korean writing does not mark pitch, the Middle Korean reflexes show rising pitch, which are the result of a merger of a low-pitch and high-pitch syllable. This means that the Old Korean verb stem was not in fact monosyllabic *kye- but really consisted of two syllables. However, this original pronunciation cannot be reconstructed.


    • Middle Korean: 겨〯시다〮 (kyěsìtá, to exist, to be at, honorific)
    • Middle Korean: 겨〯집 (kyěcìp, woman, literally stay-at-home)
      • Корејски: 계집 (gyejip)


    • 이승재 (2001), “'"`UNIQtemplatestyles0000000AQINU`"' '[겨]'에 대하여 [On the deferential marker -kye- in Old Korean idu]”, in Eomun yeon-gu, volume 29, issue 4, pages 53—70
    • 남풍현 (2004), “시상의 조동사 '在/𠂇/겨'의 발달' [The development of the aspectual auxiliary kye-]”, in Gugeo gukmunhak, volume 138, pages 5—34


    Han character

    : Hán Việt readings: tại
    : Nôm readings: tại

    1. in




    пинјин: zài  
    Аудио:  (датотека)




    1. živeti
    2. biti, jeste
    3. u, na
    4. sada, trenutno


    1. 精神永在。 Duh će živeti zauvek.
    2. 你的书在桌子上。 Tvoja knjiga je na stolu.
    3. 我的父母在纽约。 Moji roditelji su u Njujorku.
    4. 他们在看电视。 Oni gledaju TV.

     Друга саборна посланица,светог апостола Јована Богослова






    ХСК ниво:





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    • Collins Chinese Dictionary

    Шаблон:Kateg3 Шаблон:Kateg

    1. [JOHN II BOOK[1]]
    2. Друга саборна посланица светог апостола Јована Богослова[2]