Kategorija:Engleski unosi sa netačnim zaglavljem jezika
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Engleski entries that have been placed under the wrong language header.
This can happen for several reasons:
- Typos.
- Vandalism.
- Using the wrong language code.
- Using an alternative name for the language.
- Using special characters which haven't been used in the name given in the language data modules.
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Stranice u kategoriji „Engleski unosi sa netačnim zaglavljem jezika”
Sledećih 200 stranica je u ovoj kategoriji, od ukupno 739.
(prethodna stranica) (sledeća stranica)^
- A
- a-
- AA
- aaa
- Aaron
- abacist
- Abaddon
- ab aeterno
- abasia
- Abba
- abbacy
- abbot
- Abdon
- Abel
- Aber
- Abib
- Abimelech
- ab initio
- ablactation
- ablative case
- able
- Abraham
- abri
- absinthe
- abstract noun
- accusative case
- acronym
- Adana
- adat
- add
- addition
- Adelaide
- Adelaide Hills
- adjective
- adjectivizes
- Æ
- aecia
- aecium
- affix
- Africa
- Ag
- again
- aggry
- Ah
- aibika
- aibikas
- -al
- ala
- Alabama
- Albania
- alef
- a leopard cannot change its spots
- aleph
- alfa
- alfalfa
- Algeria
- a little bird told me
- aloha
- along
- alphabet
- America
- Amharic
- amplitude
- an
- an-
- Angel
- angle
- animal
- Annas
- ante
- Anthony
- Antonio
- anusvara
- April
- Aquarius
- archduke
- Aries
- Armenia
- art
- as
- Asia
- as soon as
- astral
- -ation
- attachment
- at the best of times
- Aubrey
- Augustus
- Australia
- Austria
- Av
- away